Ultrawide support

Hey Illfonic,

Great game, any plan to include a proper ultrawide support that doesnt instantly make me want to get a refund ?

I’m playing on a 32:9 monitor and the FOV seems completely cut in half…


Please…at the very least increase the FOV slider to 120 for the next hotfix so its playable on ultrawides

Trying to modify FOV with UUU4 just locks the game up unfortunately. i think it must flag the anticheat.

but i did just figure this out using cheat engine. Set scan type to Float. and scan for your current FOV value (90 for example). it’ll have thousands of results. Change the FOV value in game to any other number on the FOV slider, then back to cheat engine, type in new FOV number and click next scan (not first scan). do this a few times and you’ll end up with 15 or so addresses that remain. add those addresses with the big red arrow down below, and then select all of their values at the same time and change to your desired FOV.

i’ve been using 130 FOV on my 57" 32:9 aspect ratio monitor and it’s amazing. Unfortunately the FOV addresses change each match, so you have to rescan and change FOV at the beginning of every match. This is for fireteam only. i havent figured out predator FOV.

I dont understand any of this enough to create a cheat engine trainer or table. but it does work and makes the game finally playable on ultrawide.

i know this game is super old at this point, but for anyone still playing out there. this works as of january 2024

Why are we bumping four year old threads…?

because i thought it would alert the people that originally brought up ultrawide support…

Those people are long gone, bro. Just like any and all support for the game. Git.

i did upload a video, but this wont let me post link. just search willink87 on youtube. or check the steam forum.