Update cant be far away

The game is starting with to fall apart again.

More and more Bugs. More and More Blue screen reports and Discounting issues.

We all know Illfonic’s M.O and how the game starts to fall apart near an Update

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But thats just playstation dude. I dont get blue screens. LOL.


Some person doesn’t get a bug it must not exist. LOL

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Does playstation get periodic anti-virus updates? Nope. didnt think so , but i’l send that report to the devs because they neeed to know and ill make a post dedicated to trashing the devs because of it.

I don’t get those so they don’t exist. Please don’t make stuff up.

I’m on a PS5 and have never got a blue screen, audio bug or any invisible NPC among others reported in the forum.

I’m not saying these bugs don’t exist. However I’m sure they’re just sporadic and not a wide sweeping issue that is going to destroy the game.

I don’t understand why there’s so many poisonous threads that are created just to try and discredit the developers and smear the game. This forum should be for constructive criticism to help to improve the game if there are things that can be improved upon.

If you hate the game so much, why are you still playing it?


apparent bugs are true always…since launch and no reasoning will suggest otherwise. Bwha hahahaha…ha (sarcasm).

Stfu newbie.

There is a Pattern that has happened for the last year and half as the post describes the game starts to fall apart when am update draws near.

I was the first user here with a P5 so yes all these bugs exist juat give it more than the month you have hd it

How can you be so aggressive towards someone you don’t even know about a video game?

I may be a newbie on this thread. But it’s toxic people like you who create a negative forum experience for people who actually enjoy the game.

The loudest people in the room are always the weakest. So bark away, chihuahuas don’t intimidate me. 🍿

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Lol. Im sorry that you think im being aggressive towards you. But its your lack of knowledge that’s disturbing.

If you took the time to research the forum you would understand the only ones making it toxic are the Mods themselves.

No communication. They break the game and then go on vacation.

I dont give a fuck about anyones else other time on the forums if you dont like the post you dont have to comment. Like dont they teach that in school or at least didn’t your parents teach you this.

Illfonic has a track record of the game slowly falling apart as the a new update draws near so maybe do some back logs to understand where I am coming from before typing some word vomit you sjw

My back hurts like hell. Can someone please give me a rough back rub? It’s killing meeeeeeee and it hurrrrts. I have cookies for those who gib back rub

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Woah. Onion, chill, Holmes. I think you got em, let him at least lick his wounds. Don’t be stinkyhead to the new guy

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Your right.

I have tried to be civil but this is also the guy that makes a thread asking of the white drop in icon is the related to the mission but has yet to give a screenshot so we can better understand what he is talking about.


Scout, I vill heal yo- BOOM


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It’s was me I did it like the POW whoop de doo
That was a joke lads

I’ll be the voice of reason I guess
This game is ass
To put is simply
Y’all haven’t had a good update is about a year and it’s not gonna get any better
It’s rare any suggestions get into the game and we get no info ever

It was yo-belch, borp-im!
How did ya know?

I didn’t that was a joke to
Continues to drink
I’m dead

That’s right! It was me!