Update Creep: Silencer displays increase/decrease amounts stats!!!

Naughty naughty! Illfonic!

Since the latest patch update or maybe prior to this i dont know, every weapon will show you whether the silencer dampens more noise, or makes the gun handling better, or changes the dmg!
Previously we only just heard from word of mouth that the silencer reduced damage and minimized recoil and of course noise, but by hovering over the Suppressor you’ll see the green and red indicators showing you by how much.
Very nice!

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Took you long enough

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Accuracy boosts huh?
So what, reduced recoil?

Yeah, a suppressor lowers the recoil. It isn’t a huge amount though.

Hm. Might try it with the pitbull then.

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The Pitbull gives your position away, be mindful that when you’re shooting it, any one standing to the side gets a line straight back to you.

I might try it too, just to see if it’s an improvement.

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Pit bull shreds in new mode

Hm. Too bad I dont like it.

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Yeah I hate the pit bull. I enjoy the new mode. Its a good mode to play against friends. 3v3 is super sweaty fun you should try it man

Oh I meant the mode. The guns ok I just hate the kick. New mode is abysmal.

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Its a good rust shaker and a way to challenge your homies

See that I can kind of understand.
But everyone I play with hate the mode.

The main issue is how it runs on ps4.
Like a fkn scratched up ps1 disk. Lol

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I dont see it. But i do have 2 meaghurts of internet. Always Nat type 1 1000/3000 so must be the internet

No I mean how choppy and janky it moves.
It’s not rubber banding or anything like That.

Granted this game is like that everywhere but you can really see it in clash.

I dont see it tho. The only thing that is choppy is when you start getting shot or flash and nades start going off

I’m thinking its maybe cause you got a pro, if I remember right, or, you dont really notice it like I do.

Either way I’m not the only one who thinks so.
Its not smooth at all.

I got to vouch for @Fire my ps4 chugs as well in that game mode and my internet is fine im at 50ms up to 100ms and it’s only that game mode.

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Yeah I have a pro, also pay for separate internet for gaming than the one i use for my wifi for my other devices

I think the new mode is fun, but you’re not wrong about the frame rate drops. Looks ridiculous sometimes.

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Upload a random public match.
Ir just record it and show me on shareplay.

Cause for me and a lot of ppl it runs like shit.

So if yours is super smooth I wanna see it.