Update Tested

You are such a fucking idiot… But I’ll follow and give you an answer worthy of someone like you…

Buy me one and I’ll give you your “fair fight”… Ohh you ain’t gonna do that? … Well thinking you actually offered to play and we refused, when you basically requested all of us spend hundreds of dollars just to be able to, is r3tard3d as fuck. This is what I mean with your warped perception of reality.

You are fucking delusional thinking you are “the good guy”. You are probably the kind of guy who doesn’t get laid and complains when women don’t want to fuck with you when open the door for them and say “good morning”.

Fucking psycho

Fire the last time you tried to “talk” you spent 4 hours trying to gaslight me in DMs. You’re suspect as fuck & conduct yourself like an abuser, the less I have to know about you the better because I wouldn’t be surprised to hear you got more skeletons in your closet than a Halloween Store. You try to paint yourself as a victim, as someone soft spoken & eloquent & somebody that means no harm & can be trusted. That’s the last kind of person on this planet you should trust. I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you, and I don’t wanna know you.


Thread derailed. Let’s refocus.

Look. Bone mask can be fixed.


@SomeknowmeasXeno two hate a version of me you created In your head.

I can not help how you perceived me.
At all.

But how about you actually have a discussion with me and find out?

As for you @SomeknowmeasXeno no I didnt try to gas light you.
You took things the wrong way not as I intended it.

You have an extremely warped perception of me.

The sad part is, with you specifically, any problems you have with me, is simply because you dont like how I speak because its different from how you do.

Any beef we’ve had? Been from misunderstandings on your end and refusal to listen.

But it’s pretty funny and also makes you two look crazy how you paint someone you dont even know as this grand villain.

Shit let me go to my secret base and start planning world domination.

Il make sure you two get special treatment.

Ya ok scared little bitch hiding behind guns and threating people.

Nobody is painting you like a villain. That’s just you in your warped mind (again). We just know you are a hypocrite and and pathetic liar with self-esteem issues. We just calling you out. Nothing more. You don’t even have the intellect to be a dumb villain



Man, when am I gonna get the popcorn I ordered?





Bro you literally called me a psycho, xeno called me gas lighter who loved to manipulate people, like you two are saying the same thing.

And you’re back to calling me stupid like always even tho you’re pretty fucking ignorant buddy.

But that’s ok.
Sure il play the role.

When I take over the world ima make sure you’re my jester.


You wont believe me, but its fine.
Im not a hypocrite or a liar.

Tho Jelou, you sure you wanna piss off someone who has all the traits you mentioned?

Cause if I’m a psycho and as bad as you mentioned, you sure I’m not a serial killer?

You guys wanna push it?



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Wrong sport champ 🥲

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We don’t have popcorn yet but I’m working on getting some for future events. Any particular brands you enjoy?

Any hoodrats in here?


YOOOOOOOOOOO I personally use takis but I’ve done it with hot cheetos before

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I’m in Texas bro. Any stranger who comes banging on my door will get shot if they trespass and I won’t spend a dime on a lawyer.

This may be a stupid question: how?

I apologize in advance if you have already written it somewhere and I have missed it in this derailed thread.

You think I’d come at you directly?

I wouldn’t waste money on traveling for you bro.

What I would actually do is be willing to get on a discord call and just talk shit out.

Hell you might not like me after that chat, and you might still think the same.

But at least it would be more justified than hating me for shit you percieved that isn’t true.

Honestly with you, I dont see a reason to go to violence.

I think you’re pretty ignorant, simply because you refuse to listen a lot of the time to any side that isn’t yours.
But I see no need for violence if I’m completely honest.

I just wish people would be able to see past themselves.

Like I get it homie.
You see me that way.

But I’m not.

But I dont care how you see or anyone sees me bro.
You simply dont know me and dont put any effort to see what I’m actually saying.

And in not going to lose my sanity worrying about what people who dont give a shit about me think.

So nah nah.

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