Update Tested

Yeah that was Steven kidd not me…

Never trust anyone who says they’re honest. It’s like trusting people who build themselves up as nice guys. Don’t fucking do it. You really shouldn’t sell yourself like that because any adult with a functioning brain & good life experience will smell something sus as fuck.


I’m pretty sure it was you but not completely positive.

Did I just not show you that Steven kidd has my exact gamertag and played in all the potato chats and groups with it…




I honestly dont care what anyone thinks.
Most of you are fake as hell, so you think others are the same them go based off assumptions and warped perceptions, and refuse to actually understand or get to know what’s actually going on.

It’s been the source of a lot stupid shit on here with yall, but I no longer give a fuck.

So idk what to tell ya buddy.

I mean you have a habit of talking like a schizo and picking fights with everybody on here then turning around & acting the victim so no wonder hardly anyone here has the patience for you anymore.


In this case hes not right.
You wanna see it that way, I cant stop you.

I believe you ♥️

Sure is a lot of pent up sexual aggression in this thread…

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Meeee soooo horrrrny

Perfect execution

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No one is ever right with you.

You are a poser, fake, pathological liar still thinking you are talking to children that will not see right through.

I don’t even remember you offering to play with me. I think at some point I actually offered you to join the discords and play together to settle the beef. You never did. Now you say it was you. That’s how fucking warped your mind is.

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Xeno, the amount of times yall that got an issue with have tried to gaslight me, would have driven the avarage person insane or away.

No I dont pick fights. No I dont try to make myself a victim. I simply state how shit is.

You nor anyone have the right to tell me what my intentions are.
You can see it however you want.

But stop accusing me of shit and stating it as fact and say that’s how you see it.

Cause seriously, the majority of the time, its yall misunderstanding and coming at me cause of that.

Like if you dont like how I talk that’s fine, but that doesn’t justify trying to tell me what I’m doing.

You dont know me xeno.
You dont know what im thinking or any of that shit.

You wanna know why I said I’m honest?
Cause I always just say what im thinking.

Most people aren’t aren’t like that.
Yall talk indirectly alot of the time and assume I’m the same way.

I’m not going to change how I am just please all of you.
Especially when I know I’m not doing anything wrong.

But take it and think how you will.
I genuinely dont care.
Because actually caring will drive someone to have a mental breakdown like p willie.


Take your snake oil elsewhere.

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No I did.
See what I mean by yall trying to gas light me?

Like all jokes and memes aside you dont think that’s fucked up?

I told you and scarface, and all the other people that were talking shit at the time, you want a match, cause yall kept saying you did, I told you get on ps4, and il play all of you.

Just to make it even.

Stop calling me a liar just cause you dont remember.

You guys kept bitching and whining cause I didnt wanna play you on pc.

God forbid I wanted an even match right?
Where you get the same performance and cant modify shit?

Il yell you one thing. You’re wrong about me.
And until you actually get to know me,
You cant tell me what or who I am.

I’ve offered you to sure down and talk with me.
You refused. Many of you do.

You wanna talk shit about me, say in this or that,
All based off a warped perception.

You think I’m all that motherfucker?

Actually talk to me.
Ask me questions.

Theres very little I wont answer.

But for the love of God.
Roast me and talk shit.

But stop trying to gas light me.

Seriously. That’s fucked up.

No xeno, its truth.

And honestly much doesn’t bother me.
But the gas lighting does.
Or the attempts to.

Like even that’s a line I wont cross.
That’s something I view as extremely fucked up yet yall try to do it to me.

Same thing I told @JelouGaming

You dont believe me, you think this or that. How about you sit down and have a conversation with me.
Ask me questions. Get to know me.

Then go ahead and decide what you think about me.

I’m an open book.

That’s why I have this video ready for when he tries to talk back in his incoherent imbecile speech patterns.

Yeah and your bitch as is so scared you told me you got guns ready and so does your buddy.

You’re a clown.