(I hate making Backgrounds, but Im proud of this)
I hope you guys like it.
And to Honor our first three Trophies!

You can read their Fan Clan Stories HERE
Again just want to thank @Robo_2696, @Durbs2001, and @TheSenate for their help.
Robo’s suggestion for Tablets Honoring other Predators was a good one!
I know some of you know that we have out own silly Clan.
Which is named UMBRA.
There is now a separate Page for that.
This will be a sorta fun on the side addition.
We’ll try to add more images for
- Pets & Mounts
- Enemies
- Plants
- and Prey.
It just takes time to balance the work load.
Hopefully give you guys room to “create” your own tales interacting with or within the Clan.
Some Trophies will only be “Reachable” in the Clan Page.
For an example.
The Head Segment of Yuh’ta ki’cte Bpi-de
The Supercell Dancer
Will only be available in the Clan Page.
This includes the Rest of it’s Segments.
If you remember.
I said, I wanted the Clans main Trophy to be seen from all levels of the Trophy room.
Yuh’ta ki’cte Bpi-de is a 240Ft long beast.
SO, hopefully that gives us enough rooms to play with.
Plus, we are going with a Tower Room idea.
Only because of how big the Main Trophy is.
It needs suspension “wired cables”.
Figured it be cool to see it strung up in the middle of these Trophy towers.
All connected by bridges and such.
Though at the moment Supercell’s Story hasn’t been uploaded.
I want to fill up the First Tower room.
As a sort of achievement.
Only then will the Head Segment tell the first part of how this Creature was defeated.
Chi’ytei’jehd’in - The Embraced Ones
The moon like bit in the upper corner is Umbra’s Clan Ship.
This is their Base Planet. With no real Sun.
It drifts through space.
Kehri’thya - The Ruthless Lands
Umbra’s Game Planet.
It’s a Cretaceous planet.
Umbra send their Un-Blooded to train here for so many years.
Hopefully to prepare them for their Blooded test on Chi’ytei’jehd’in.
Anyways I think that’s a good start.
We’re treating the Game Planet like a place to meet new brothers.
And, build bonds, practices the arts of combat and skill.
While the Base Planet is like going to Xenomorph Prime to earn your Mark.
Accept when you enter.
The fog gate appears behind you, and the dark souls music starts playing.
If you’d like to check the Clan Page.
Click Here
But again this is all for fun!
⭐Thoughts on the Fan Clan Page?
- Pretty Cool
- Interesting
- That’s to much reading for me!
0 voters
To those that wished me better health.
I’m really feeling better.
Hopefully tomorrow all the sneezing will finally come to an end.
(I wish you all good health at least).