Upgrade the AI and see a huge change

If the AI is vastly upgraded, this game will feel sooo much better over night. At the moment we have just waves of mongoloids sprinting at you. If the AI was smarter, but also not like ants swarming to you, the game would feel much better and playing FT would have much more depth. Actually allowing stealth plays and if you use suppressors AI won’t find you if you are smart about your approach. And they also won’t blitz you regardless of whether or not they have seen you just cause you’ve progressed the mission. The missions might actually feel like real mission instead of target shooting simulation. Creating more depth for the FT would be great in this game. We’d have a whole new play style (stealth) and the suppressors would actually be an attachment you consider running. Make us feel like spec ops going in to kill real soldiers, and reward us for killing them smartly. Not just an arcade game.


This is true. AI goes a long way or ruins the experience.

The AI while not the best, it definitely isn’t the worst.


I mean yeah it’s passable. But that’s all ya know? Just like acceptable. I’d like to feel more involved playing as FT. I think it would bring me back to the game more often

I would like to see like smarter ai instead of like hardcore killing only…

I want two AI patrol groups that patrol trough the map in group of 4 of them maybe 6 even… 2 heavy 2 ballistic and 2 regular soldiers…

They would circle the map around and then if they see unsual movement they report that to the camp which alerts others to actually take place and prepare for attack instead of being dumb and grouping up as they do now…

The AI is a actually a key factor for this game… it would be wonderful if they would also stop by and inspect predator blood and stuff… and then predator can just drop on them with a slam and boom…

I would also like the reinforcements of the AI to sort of have smarter snipers… as in they hide first and lock onto you before u can see them and kill them…

And also there should also be an alerted patrol also coming to investigate the camp incase u kill all of them and they come by and see no one there… and they should alert others that their guys are dead in the camp.

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I would also like to point out that AI is also part of making this game asymmetrical game… and AI needs to be shown love…

The AI in my opinion needs to sort of melee the fireteam member whos turned around the back… With their weapon… i think they should sneak up on you first and stun you incase ur not paying attention and deal dmg if ur not careful as fireteam…

AI either needs to be better or dropped entirely if they don’t have a proper programmer for it. Instead replace with players/pvp

Disabling 3 alarms and shooting at braindead AI is the weakest aspect of the game atm

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The AI do need refining, I hope some of the people hired recently have experience. Things I’d like to see incorporate into them are…

  • Line of Sight, like a cone extending out in front of them, like this… o<

  • They need to have a sense of Sound and different sounds need to carry further than others. Another game I play has blind NPC’s that mechanically use a radar ping type system. Every noise you make as your character broadcasts out and changes the ‘state‘ the NPC is in if it crosses into their bubble. It gives the illusion of them responding to things they’ve heard.

  • Different alertness states, Relaxed, Patrolling, Suspicious, Alerted, Actively Engaging. Each level triggers different behaviours. The AI will behave more naturally if they have the ability to move up and down through the different levels.

  • Different enemy types eventually need to have there own unique actions. A Sniper might go prone or seek cover before engaging, a regular PMC might group up with a leader or regular PMC’s.

I think there’s lot of room to grow, but it’s fine if it takes time to improve.

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I agree to (nearly) everything said above.

From the POV of the relation “effect” to “programming effort” I think two things are most interesting

  • if you, being a fire team soldier, cannot be seen - as you are freshly mudded up and sitting right in the middle of a bush, AIs, coming from far away, should not know, where exactly you are sitting (if any AI already has spotted you, e.g. due to the fact, that you shot it, then all others, independent from how far they are coming, seem to know your exact position - at the moment)

  • sometime AIs seem to run straight through the whole map to shoot on you. Some predators use that by alerting AIs, which then run straight to you. In this cases, the AI seem to know something they could not - too.

Both points might be corrected easily by e.g. introducing an inaccuracy depending on distance. For example, an AI then just might know in which area you are (and said area would be the bigger the farther away you are) - not the exact position.

And/or by a “memory timeout” - AIs, who know your position, forget them after a given time - or at least: the accuracy of their knowledge decreases with time.

Both principles are somehow similar, as time corresponds to distance, in terms of running…

Or, or, or, …

The advantage of aforementioned changes: there is no “artificial intelligence” involved in that at all - easy peasy programming…

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Give us Metal Gear Solid levels of AI💯

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Holy shit, that’s an excessive amount of AI🤣 Nothing a few grenades couldn’t clear 😈

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They kinda already do, get too close and they’ll slash you up with a knife. It looks the same on the screen as a wristblade attack, and can scare the bejizzle out of you.

I mean. What ai is worse in your book?

So basically you don’t want the A.I attacking you or you want them showing up one at a time? Because that’s what it sounds like.

Nah he wants ai that are smarter. Using cover, dodging grenades, firing over cover without peaking, flanking, reloading etc. Plenty of ways to make ai more intelligent

I’ll laugh my ass off if the increased intelligence overwhelms the FT and fks them over.

So you reduce the numbers. That will likely increase performance as well

Why reduce the numbers?

If making smarter AI makes them to much, they can balanced by reducing them is all he’s saying.

What bugs me the most is how they just appear out of thin air in space that is obviously clear