[URGENT] Blue screen crash

Hola pasa muchas veces cuando hay una explocion por ejemplo cuando la ia te lanza una granada y te explota se traba el juego al igual que cuando explota un contenedor rojo al lado de nuestro personaje y pasa muy seguido cuando el depredador te dispara con el plasma muchas veces seguidas

Awesome, thanks for the information!

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Does this happen on day maps and night maps?

En ambos sucede, pero me a pasado más en los mapas diurnos, también note que cuando hay mucha ia y te explota un barril o plasma etc o cuando se desactiva la bomba del depredador y la ia te dispara se empieza como a trabar el juego y varias veces sale pantalla azul

I’m sure they are aware of it,
No need to have a sook

Happened rn again.
Overgrowth. Night. I was just running inside a building. It crashed right when i passed the door.

Happened again.
Overgrowth. Day time.
As the match ended i hit the touchpad to check the score and it blue screen crashed.

Hey @Kassinaillia have you guys figured out this bug yet?
I noticed the crashes doesn’t happen that often comparing to when the last patch was out…
Could it have anything to do with less people playing this?
I’ve also noticed that not many Predator players are using the Hook as they were right after the patch… Could it be something related?

The blue screen crashes were not fixed.
They are still a thing.

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Yes + you cannot play with your friends

We’ve fixed several instances of blue screens but are still working on isolating the larger issue. For now, the best thing you can do is submit your crash dump to PlayStation when prompted to. We can access those and continue looking into it.


Experienced the blue screen, but I’ll send in the reports.

What the hell is going on this is so absurd. This has been going on for a month now… every other game you get a blue screen is that really how we’re doing this is that really how this game is going to be is this really what I got a deal with… What are you people doing is this like your 2nd job or something?

I’m starting to think that you’re not getting my reports I’ve only sent a 1000 this month

I know just change the name to blue screen and then everything will be fine because that is the real threat