Useless weapons list


  1. Warclub
  2. Ax
  3. Warhammer
  4. Plasma pistol
  5. Wristblades
  6. ground slam

FT worthless weapons

  1. Minigum
  2. All the smgs
  3. Support machine gun
  4. Pitbull
  5. energy rifle
  6. Energy sniper
  7. M14 sniper ebl or whatever dmr… list goes on

Don’t get me wrong… out of all the ft shit Weapons. Pred has a shifty selection and variety.

All the dlc’s need to focus on pred weapon variety. The last ranged weapon pred got was a weak ass dart gun.


The sniper is better than the barret… and the smgs fucking melt.


They’re actually really good

Just not as good as the rest


I like Bullpups

I’ve heard some people defending it.


And the ABR used to be so good they nerfed it cause it was broken op. But yeah new sniper is solid. And the smg’s are definitely strong. Atleast 2 of them


I think nerf saw 50. And buff the new sniper. Nerf sawz 50 by 45dmg

I just want all the predator weapons to be viable

I want ranged pred weapons or gear. The melee is terrible



Every predator melee weapon and gear item. Ranged weapons, minus the caster, are all iffy due to bugs and hit boxes.

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Better than worthless melee

Ive given up trying to do cool stuff with melee. Ive been trying to get good with the bow


You’ve tried melee?

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has he tried melee… it does work… recomend all ps4 to use plasma pistol with fervant any class vs PC teams. elder is for technical game play premades if u can muster up the courage

Are you taking about the bow?

Wrist launcher

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Oh, okay.

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MmM yummy

Melee is fun when you don’t care about winning

There are no useless weapons in this game every weapon is viable some way

ground slam can be Very good if all ft members are close , you blind them and deal 95 dmg to them
good but risky