Valkyrie and the hammer

Only one test completed, but seems my Viking build works well on Valkyrie very well. Able to tank a good bit.

The hammer is actually not half bad, damage is decent, haven’t tested the slam with it yet, but seems to put off a bit of electricity along with the slam energy wave. Maybe it does extra damage? Further testing required. Only thing is the tracking is a tad off. But, it works within about the 6ft range.

Valkyrie definitely is a close second to City Hunter. Fast, and with supposed armor buffs, impenetrable, large pouch, and long jump. She can tank and is fairly fast. The lack of gear slots sucks, but the 14 perk points is definitely great. Definitely can see her getting nerfed and eventually hammer buffed a bit like the axe.

She sexii

Yeh bb

Seriously I love her mask.
I’m not a big norse fan but its bad ass.

I am a big Norse fan, their religion, language, ruins, culture, how they actually were fascinate me

I like more Asian ancient cultures.
Tho Aztec and Mayan were pretty crazy too.
Mainly the mythology.

Dident we got this on the last update?? Oh yea it was a male version. Its so different because its a female🙃🙃🤬

I just don’t like the forced gold trim, we need to be able to adjust that.

Just a report of the predator and weapon. But, in all honesty be grateful we even got anything for Predator and some buffs and FT got a nerf considering predator players haven’t gotten crap in a while. Not only that, but they gave us more free range for our customs. We are getting 2 maps over the next two updates. And they fixed loot crates so you will actually be able to get mythical items easier and unlock things you don’t have once you are 150 and unlocked a good portion of the items we already have.

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Well, shaders change it up a good bit depending on ones you use

On the armor yes but not the helmet even then for the armor there’s only a few without the gold trim.

2 maps??? This will be interesting. I know they said that but i dought it

It’s in the data leaks with months releases being March and April

I see… lets hope for the best and hope there not jungle maps

Saying be grateful we got anything is the exact wrong mindset. That’s EXACTLY how we never get good content

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And the predator did not get buffed. It’s been tested and the HP is exactly the same. When they said armor they must have meant mask health. And FT was not nerfed. Field medic is OP cause of the second and half revive, not cause of the extra health given to people revived. So a useless nerf at that. We need to stop just being happy about anything they do and really look at the depth of these updates

Finally a scout like predator
It’s not falconer but it’ll do

Not really, because you are getting two new maps in coming two updates, useless to you, but it’s a start. A new predator whether you liked what it was or not the majority did compared to getting a third FT. Whole new mode takes time. So, new customs to give us something while it’s being developed is better than nothing. I’ve seen you complain several times saying you have no friends to play with so customs is pointless. Well, go make some then instead of putting so much energy complaining about every patch. Literally have a group of 14 people on PSN that we all can play together and typically talk daily. And if that’s not good enough then maybe this’ll get your panties out of a knot.

Clearly you aren’t reading. I do have the friends for customs. I’m complaining for all those who play this game solo and will never get to use customs, cause I’m not what’s the word, selfish? I comprehend that this drop is actually useless for a large crowd of the games population and I don’t think that’s right. As for the maps and modes and how they take time, how bout instead of putting time into Clash, and “big head mode” and other such nonsense. You put your full effort into actual content and modes we want so the game isn’t stale for 6 months at a time. This game has 4 fuckin maps and 2 of them see constant bugs. We can keep playing pretend they have been doing a good job all you want I guess

That’s their fault if they play solo. Literally not hard to join a discord server or Facebook group, or jump on here and talk to people and make friends to play with. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure that out. And this isn’t a AAA company. You don’t get whole new maps and modes within a 3 month period. People who say they are basically with this IP are dumber than rocks because just because they have a semi big IP doesn’t make them AAA status. They have 75 employees overall. They also don’t get much say in what gets released, what gets told to us by the developers, and when it gets released. That’s all on Sony and Epic in what they want.