(VIDEO) Unable to complete the mission!! GAME IS BROKEN

Map- Derailed

dont really see a problem…fighting the pred is more fun anyways

You’re an idiot. If you were in that situation you wouldn’t have been saying that there was no way to win against him he kept running the whole match but aside from that game shouldn’t be a buggy broken mess don’t have such low standards come on nothing in this game works.

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i think you’re the idiot here. if one objective isnt available, go for the other. its quite simple

Continue to prove how stupid you are. I had to grab that item in order to progress through the mission are you brain dead or something I don’t get it.

when i say “other objective,” i mean “fight the predator.” thats literally the only other thing to do if the primary mission is bugged. dumbass

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??? No??? Really?? What do you think I did who is this guy illfonic???

Yeah, actually. He modeled Amazon’s underboobs, they paid him $38 for it. He knows what he’s talking about.


wanna know what i used that $38 for?

to get someone to remove all the garments off the finished model

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Wait what?? Im so confused 😂

What did you do??? Im confused

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