Viking predator is out


7.07 GB in process. Viking incoming.

Its 1.6gig for mine :|

I think ur are ps4 right? @Savage3i3

Yes I’m on PS4

ah okay. thats normal
ps4 has to download less then pc

It’s a beautiful day my neighborhood
It’s a beautiful day my neighborhood

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Health 4
Stamina 1.6
Movement 1
Gear 2

Apparently in his bio he has more health than berserker

You have to unlock the Default Armour? Even after paying money for it? Seriously @Courier ? And Golden/Platinum armour shaders are locked??

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Behold, O’Shit
His name comes from the cries of his enemies whenever he steps into the battle. They were heard to be screaming “Oh Shit!” and so the Yautja took it as his name.

Stats are meh…


Is that why you chose a brown colour for your armour? Lol

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Whats the axe like?

Idk about completely hidden but…

Yes. He has spread the fecal waste of his enemies onto his armour 🤣


It has a very wide AOE but is slow as hell like the Warclub. The Stealth Kill is fucking brutal though!! The second swing has a HUGE arc, you’re going to hit everything within 10m🤣

Im very ccurious about the face…i’m wanna kill …it.

Is it the same animation or different?

Imma buy it regardless cause the model looks freaking sick, but just curious.

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Totally different animations, he holds the axe 2 handed.

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