Viking predator is out

Just bought him on PS store. Still need the update to use him.
P.S. I’m happy they were able to surprise us and keep this class completely hidden, impressive.


So where is the update
Where is the OWLF Fireteam lol

Would be awesome if we could get both.

It takes time to roll out. This is PlayStation being slow as hell.

We will get it, the update is just taking longer as it can take a while for the update to roll out to people.

Wait so we are potentially getting a new Pred and new OWLF class at the same time?


Let me not get excited, I dont want to be disappointed.

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Niiice. Just bought it. Can’t wait to try it out.

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Every launch of something new has brought on crashes.

Hopefully this time its different.

i feel the sarcasm lol

Looks like it comes with armor tints and the Battle Axe is free by December 2020.

Nope I’m actually excited to give him a go lol

There is a purchase in EGS, but there is no update yet.

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How did they add it to the store without us actually having to download an update?

Cause they leaving fake shit for the data miners to find after what happened with the city hunter

I just put the dlc on whishlist and then that. at first I thought update is out but its not…

its out. 7 Gb for me


Update is out on pS