Wagyu can't be value as such

Have you tried any?

And I’m not referring to any from @Fire and Is company of Irrational Beef. That wagyu comes from the tall pigs, boah.


Have you tried Wagyu before?

Ive tried it. Its not exceptionally needed in a diet. Thats what i’m getting at. And saying its tall pigs? whats that?
Wagyu has become so niche its become a myth. and to which a myth becomes and sort of a incomprehensible form of beef, then yes. Its a flavour of beef that is not without it’s price and environment. And most certainly isn’t something that makes it worth coming back too. If Wagyu came at random with beef would be welcoming. But its not readily identifiable.
Prime Rib steak is assertively its equal but not really without maybe pouring a tablespoon or two of butter.

How did you try it? If it was in the form of ground beef yeah that’s a fucking con. They just mix extra beef fat in to regular ground beef to get the right percentage, but you can’t beat the flavor of real wagyu marbling.
With Wagyu, it needs to be either as a streak or in steak style chunks.

Maybe I’m just super particular about his because my sense of taste is by far the strongest.

Ive had it during a meal at tepenyaki,. So it was not processed in any way and grilled at steak level. dats japanyaki
So it just tasted like butter steak and smooth. not like regular texture of steak. but more like a singular bite sized chunck.

I might have been fooled with the inclusion of salt and butter…so its not a really sensation of any sort. I’m sure other chefs might add the green horse radish to make it extra sensational. Its all that. There is no benefit to it other than smoothness of chew. and its so small anyway. Those who like Prime Rib steak might seek better taste through textural delights.

There are also different grades of wagyu, and the other parts of the teppanyaki definitely can overpower the finer taste of the wagyu.
For regular teppanyaki and other things where the beef isn’t be far the biggest star of the meal and more so blends with the rest of the flavor, stick to regular beef if you’re on a budget. The difference will be minimal but noticeable.

Now if I’m getting wagyu, I’m getting a high grade massive steak that will be the centerpiece of the entire meal.
I like my steak rare and I do quite enjoy prime rib.
Ideally served with sides of garlic wasabi mashed potatoes and sautéed mushrooms.

The only offense is that you haven’t tried a 30$ tomahawk steak with butter and garlic, then you will say NO to a 100 dollar wagyu!

Because A tomahawk will leave you satiated and with bits and pieces left . You won’t even need mash pototoes or the veges!
You know at japanyaki, they will have a full course meal waiting while the small sliver of wagyu is like a small thing.

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Tomahawk steaks are delicious.
Outside of the usual beef I had an elk tomahawk steak once, it was exceptional.

I also had bison prime rib, which was quite delectable.

More recently I’ve been trying to clear out my game freezer by eating more venison, and venison steaks are really good but country fried venison is by far the best.

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yeah, i remember you do that shit. I never had the benefits or the know how with the venisen. I fucked up my first experience. Was tough like a piece of rubber.
Its not an economical piece of meat in my city. so its hard to get in droves. In fact its impossible to get venison unless you are truely lucky or live up north where it is available.When I bought it it was literally a once and blue moon. These days only Rabbit is truely available in local grocers as a niche product.

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Venison is definitely tough due to how little fat deer have. I personally remedy this by tenderizing with a mallet and cooking quickly, or wrapping it in bacon to allow the bacon fat to seep into it and prevent toughness
If you have a dehydrator, it makes excellent jerky due to its toughness

Rabbit is good, squirrel too

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squirrel is ew. Rabbit is far more viable as a cuisine if you do it lightly. I remember sometimes it might taste too chicken giblet like. One of the best recipes was probably a butter garlic and rose mary combo. I might even favour that I tried a curry rabbit and was good too! not good that you must have it all the time. Rabbit mostly is wild.

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All i had was a leg for venison. How do you tenderize a leg? Literally you won’t find anything but a leg at the market. I also remember that venison on the leg was scarce in flavour or meat. Very tough.
Is there any part of Venison that is comparable to beef?

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You cut off the different cuts of meat and tenderize the muscles individually. Or if you’re just gonna BBQ up the whole thing and get a full shoulder+leg instead of the smaller leg cut if available, your best bet is to remove as much silvery connective sinew as possible then stab it numerous times and plug those stabs with bacon, then wrap the entire thing in bacon. The fat from the bacon will bring out the flavor of the venison and prevent it from drying out and getting tough.

The best cuts of venison that would be similar to beef are going to be the backstraps, loin, and tenderloin as well as the steaks.

Oh and to get the best venison you have to hunt, kill, and butcher the deer yourself, plus that gives you a lot more meat to work with.

Im betting its not as flavourfull as pork

h,mmmmm heres hoping.

have you compared with cariboo? I’m betting cariboo far more fatty.

So venison is rather potent in terms of flavor, especially the bucks.
However most pork is seasoned and spiced up. You do the same with wild caught venison and it will have a more intense flavor.

Caribou has a little more fat, but not terribly much more as it’s in the same family as deer meat

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not necessarily. i made my trays of chicarons nothing much needed unless it came with meat which will need to be salted on the skins. but whatever. i make my pork skins more simpler(since they already are sliced up to the skin) than the leg meat which has skins and I salt the skin up to be baked.

Thats a fkn lie. See this is why the world hates you and even your own body tries to kill you.

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Wha- y’know what, fuck you bitch.

That wagyu comes from the tall pigs, and I ain’t talking bout no hog swine if you catch my drift.
If ya can’t accept what that makes you, ya best get to acceptin’ it boah cause that there was the best meat you ever done tasted