Wah predator spams the plasma caster waaah

Idk you’re beloved movie shows him using it as his main weapon, also how preds use it in game.
But ya know, it’s more deadly in the lore.

You have your pew pew, ft.
Let pred have his.

So all of you who bitch about pred honor, doesn’t really look to me like pred cares that much about it xD.


“I only have a pocket knife”



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It’s his signature weapon i’ll never understand the complaints. other than this being a usual case of people trying to dictate how games should be played.

but people are like “b-but you have to use the whole arsenal” when 90% of the arsenal is worse than a weapon you get by default. Devs job to make things worth using and create niches not rely on people gimping themselves.
I dont see them switching from their hammerhead to use minigun lol.


Oh then they just haven’t been to the right parties. Melon mini gun madness is a disco all it’s own


Funny how they whine about being castered but they can snipe the mask off with 2 SAWZ rounds. 14 with Protection, which is why I run it lmao. You wanna snipe, I’m gonna cast.


I still feel it should take 10 shots at least to remove the mask without protections.

It can be annoying though, really annoying cause you cant really use caster vs snipers too much.

I know I’m always aiming to snipe mask off.

If pred was in a better state I would totally be fine with Ft getting dodges.

Rolls and maybe side step.

I just want both sides to me more fun to play.
We need more cool shit.

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If anything should get rolls and sidesteps it should be pred

I’d be happy with either side getting a dive/roll

Why do you have to start…a @Fire lol

I’m with @Cadillackid on this one.
I want both to have their own dodge system.

Pred system to be focused on dancing or maneuvering around ft for melee.
Basically just making pred harder to hit.
Even add some I frames in, since ft damage is ridiculous.

But have it require some decent timing so that you need some practice to make it work for you, but once you get it down, you can do some decent damage to ft while taking minimal damage.

Note- this would be pretty skill dependent, so while extremely Good, not easy to pull off.

As far as ft goes, just give them a simple roll or sidestep/ backstep, maybe not enough to completely dodge a pc blast, but maybe enough distance so you at least move to the edge.

This would require a rework and severe improvement of the melee system.
Which uh…
I dont trust illfonic to be able to pull off.

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Not really.
I’m just tired of seeing so many complains about the pc, yet in the movies they use the pc a lot.

Everyone loves to talk about honor and blah blah blah, yet they forget, they’re not supposed to go in a downed state.
90% of the time you would just straight up die to a preds attack.

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I’m still new to all of this but already I got so many complains about my playstyle as predator. Today one dude called me a bitch for using net gun and left game when I killed him, I didn’t fire a single shot from caster, so it’s not just the plasma caster. People are getting triggered by everything that defeats them.

I like to try every class (that I unlocked so far) and different builds or specializations. I don’t get it what’s the big deal when you lose. I had a lot of fun for my first 2 or 3 FT games because predator was toying with us and he made a match so much fun. I too like to learn new playstyles and I am genuinely impressed with skill on some predator playes.


Why do you hide your name?

Theres always one complain or another.

The only thing I really hate when a predator does is spear throw only, or bunny hop bow only.

Aside from that I dont really care what pred does.
When I’m playing on pred theres some shit that bothers me, but that falls more on illfonic than the players.

Ya I tried telling people about the novel for this game and how one Predator was using a soldier as a meat shield so no one fired on him and he was laughing and swaying him every where, speaking of meat shields WTF HOW COME WE STILL HAVENT GOT LEDGE GRABBING MECHANICS AND GRAB SHIELD UGH!

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Ohhh god I cant wait for the ones who think they are trolls to come in here. Lol

Yo that sounds fucking hilarious.
Grab a A.I. or ft member and have it block like 50 bullets.

I want this now.
Maybe even more protection mechanics for pred.


It was suggested but still nothing 😭

Not even trying to set anyone off with this.
It just seems to me like all the “fans” who think they know preds, really dont remember the movies.

It is private profile, just for people I know in real life and Kosta is my real name, not like 99% of usernames on steam or here so I don’t feel like sharing that.