"Waiting for players" bug with full lobby

Since patch 1.13 I’m frequently landing in lobbies that endlessly say “Waiting for players” despite having a full lobby. Unless everyone hits ready we’re stuck there forever and lots of random players just leave.



Lol for me after the patch i always find empty lobbies as predator or fire team unless i play during the night at 10pm Central time zone
Not sure why but i guess nobody plays the game as predator during that time i guess

Its not a bug its in the patch notes that the game wont start till everyone ready up. So you should just start it off. It only tales three ppl to ready up for the countdown to start. Give it 2 more days ppl will start getting it

They changed it so that we’re able to actually pick our loadout instead of missing out on it half of the time.

There’s definitely an issue with readying up though. I think you have to ready/unready couple of times for it to actually stick now.

I don’t think that’s what it’s referring to. The patch notes say “Mission select count down timer will now only start once all players are loaded into the lobby”.

Some people were having an issue where playing on a machine with slower load times would result in them being unable to choose a class or a spawn point by the time you got into the lobby, because the timer had started before you even loaded in (like a ps4 player joining a lobby with PC player with an ssd, for example).

U also have to ready up to start the counter. Ran into last night 2 randoms were not reading up and were on gamechat saying that they would not basically killing a lobby