Want to save this game give it a solo story mode!!!

If the player base is dieing then it is time to consider a 1 player story mode. You can even do singles player missions like they did for Friday the 13th. At this point anything is better than nothing. DLC is fine and it will sell if there are still people playing this and with the understanding that all PVP due out the only saving grace would be to put some single player aspects into the game for Pred fans to get some sort enjoyment.

We know they have a lone wolf mode lined up. Basically predator missions like the fireteam, and its solo. Though maybe they could be pred teams.

I still think a solo mode should be the final real update. And that update should also put the game client side so when the servers go down, we donā€™t lose everything.



Yes letā€™s appeal to a whole other market and fuck the consumers that did get into this game

They canā€™t even fix the multiplayer experience they do have what makes you think they can make a single-player mode thatā€™s even halfway decent?

The development has left the building.
All we will get are paid cosplay Preds every 3 months until they decide to drop even that in favour of their other games.

They are running streams for Arc and Ghostbusters but there were zero mentions about PHG. They fulfiled their contract when it comes to PHG and moved on.

Case closed.

I think they also banned anyone who brought up PHG

Theyā€™ve posted this multiple times before. I get it, the balance is fucked, but maybe at this point itā€™s a literal skill issue.

The games balance isnā€™t even their point here though?

You talking about other posts?

You mean ā€œfiredā€ šŸ˜„

Kinda. Trying to say that this user keeps on asking for Story/Offline mode and then argues with others when they disagree.

Cough Tutorial cough cough

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But did they ever mention balance


Are you saying that like itā€™s a bad thing?


What did I say about responding to people with endless open-ended questions?

Chain him to the radiator again XD

Come back when your not a bitch and then weā€™ll talk

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theres been a video leak of single player

look at it on youtube or ask someone to post it

Predator dogs WILL save the franchise, guaranteedā€¦