Warclub buff

Anyone try out the warclub after the patch? The 3rd combo hit apparently is un-parryable… Not sure if that matters much based on the overall damage output.

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It’s better, it has a blinding effect and the last hit does a lot of damage but besides that it’s still slow as hell. You will get some wins against uncoordinated teams with it.

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Bummer. Was looking forward to knocking people around with it.

After my own testing i can glady say sir you are Bull shit and that it applys a blinding effect with each swing only that the effect lasts for roughly 1 and a half seconds so inordder to combat parrying you must catch them off guard and land the first blow then simply repeat side blows intell you down them

also form my testing it slows its Target and the 3rd hit deals the highest Melee Damage in the game thus far. how ever to make up for it the first two attacks are a tad bit weaker then the wrist blades attacks.

so this weapon can be good agaisnt parry spammers but only if you can get the first hit off with out them knowing witch side you hit them on.

yea… just use the katana as you can land a heavy attack for 50 hit points and a bleed that deals 15 more hit points over time for a total of 65 hit points but from my testing the bleed is unstopabble if you get hit 15 damage even if you heal so the tatic or the Play would to be wait intell you stop bleeding then heal.

as your wasting the heal if you dont. and the light attack deals 28 and applys the very same 15 hit point bleed.

also as a last fact you double the bleed damage ( per tick) if you land another hit after for 30 hit points and so forth.

so the best play with melee weapons in the game so far is too drop in light attack fallowed by a heavy and then run away for a total of 105 damage in one move.

it is definatlly not blinding none of my FT guys say they were blinded in any way from the effect it simply made the screen black and white @Drakos @VENN7eance and yes right now any melee attack slows the target but that’s still not enough for the club due to how slow it actually is
and everything i said previously is also still true about parrying it and outdpsing it if your going to use the arguement of jump spam with melee i could say just use anyother melee weapon and it would be more effective
rendering my point as still stands Club needs another buff

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not sure if its a PC thing then because i even ask my Friend to look out for a Black and White effect he said and i Quote " my screen turns white and i can not see"

so i would have to disagree with you on that fornt. @Draedark is the person i used for said testing.

could be a PC thing or a settings don’t know what their brightness settings were

Default from the sounds of it.

Looks like there will be some science happening tonight…

by all means test it for your self im Very curious to learn if its a Ps4 thing or not

I am on PC, high settings, motion blur off.

The stun/stagger just looked to be about the same as the blind/slow effect from slam. Maybe a bit more brief, but about the same.

I was kind of expecting a wobble or screen shake or even losing control for a second or two, but it just looked almost identical to the existing blind effect to me.

I can post video from my end after I am finished watching TV with the wife.

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Video from my side, 1.13 war club “disorienting status effect”


When I say black and white, I mean when the club struck it was like I was playing the game on a black and white television with a little haze.

Yeah it doesn’t impress. Elder sword is far more profitable, even with people who parry, it’s eay easier to hit them from the side or behind. Club too damn slow.


yeah that’s what i thought literally it’s so quick that the effect might as well not be there at all plus when the third hit only does 62 DAMAGE LOL THAT’S FUCKING LAUGHABLE 27 on the first hit that’s less than claws and it takes considerably longer to come out that’s even more absurd the 2nd hit does 33 which is just slightly more than claws jesus christ
so that’s what
not even enough to kill a scout with no perks… yeah i think my post is pretty important

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i can see what he means by a blinding effect but thats not as good as the Slam no…

Maybe more like the flash bang then? I do not play FT so sort of assumed it was similar.

Either way, I did not find it very disorientating to say the least.