Educate yourself
Oh want to read more?
To much ok…
More questions let me know
Educate yourself
Oh want to read more?
To much ok…
More questions let me know
I’d like to get into it
Painting those minis looks like a lot of fun
I was unaware this was a place. I had stuff to do, my bad
I remember when they were made of Lead - none of this plastic shit!
…Deathwatch on iOS is a good WH game BTW
Ever play death wing?
My horde of Tyrainads will devour the flesh of the blessed ones.
Nah. I’ve always been partly interested in the WH universe, but never really got into it deeply. When I was younger a few friends were into the table-top gaming aspect, and I tried painting a few lead figures, but it was an expensive hobby so I just used to look/admire their stuff and read their copies of White Dwarf. I have played a few of the turn-based games on iOS such as Space Hulk, Deathwatch, and Warhammer Quest, but that’s about the sum of my interest.
Such a missed opportunity, the atmosphere is great but it just feels so repetitive.
I prefer vermintide or space marine
Play WH deathwind space hulk I recommend it try to play it with friends, whole different experience
Not even space marine?
Ya space marines!
Everyone here should watch Flashgitz on YouTube they have a lot of good content, as well as good Warhammer 40K videos
Step aside! The original high quality WH content creator approaches.