Watch "US TR-3B Aurora Anti-Gravity Spacecraft Technology On Google Patents [720p60]" on YouTube
Dark, you know this is a forum for discussing a fictional game, right?
This guy is posting aerodynamic conspiracy stuff on a Predator video game forum.
This guy has had one too many cups of egg nog i think xD
It’s all fun and games until someone puts their eye out. 😜
These are the air crafts that people think are UFOs.
K but what does this have to do with anything related to this game at all? He can post all this shit in off topic.
Yeah, he should’ve posted it in off topic.
Why is this a surprise?
The US has the only space force in the world
But Predator ships has a fish-like appearance in order to help with the cloaking capabilities. It can drop Predators in pods from orbit so they can go on their hunting trips.
Flying cars hit the market next year too
I want a life size Pred ship to live in lol
I like turtles
Did you read the fine print of the contract/manual? It said not liable for destruction if exhaust port is hit by proton torpedoes, usage of uno reverse cards, or any other odd method of destruction.
On a completely unrelated note, would you like to sign up for a planetary uno reverse card plan? Thank you for contacting Empire Industries!