"We can kill it..." and "Traditionalist" Trophy Bug

"We can kill it…”: I don’t know how many times my FT has killed the predator, but I just can’t seem to get this trophy. At first I thought FT needed to kill the predator before it starts the detonation sequence, which we managed to do, but that still didn’t work (Predator quit right after killing it, could that be the reason?). So idk what’s up.

“Traditionalist”: I tried two different ways to kill fireteam with just the wrist blades.

1st: Attack FT until they all go down, then claim them.

2nd: After attacking FT and getting them down, keep attacking until they’re all dead.

Neither one of these worked to get the trophy, so I don’t know what’s up with this one either.

To get we can kill it you have to be the one to put the final bullet in it and traditionalist is very buggy

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Bumping for traditionalist trophy.

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Does this response mean it works bro and isnt glitched just wondering already got we can kill it but still need traditionalist

It’s not working. I’ve done nothing but use wrist blades the last few days in the hopes that it will unlock. I’ve even gone so far as not using thermal vision, jumping in tress, or using stealth.