We didn’t even get the full arsenal for Preds! lol

Sure we got bear traps, motion trackers and decoys but Preds never really used that, look at the Example!

Plz give us the full arsenal @Ilfonic


The spear gun and bow are similar. I would love to see a new version of the spear gun and laser mines added to the current arsenal.


What’s this from? Pred BADLY needs new gear and weapons. NOT FUCKING MELEE. Oh, and fix melee tracking 😡


Crazy how turtle rock studio got castrated for realeasing evolves dlc monsters but illfonic got away with releasing preds and ft that should have been in game from start … sorry but characters shouldn’t be dlc… yes I bought it hoping it would help the devs in the end but they suck still.


Spear gun could be like a sniper rifle and part trap. So the rifle while a sniper rifle in functionality, the bolts when hit will pin FT to nearby surfaces causing them to remove the bolt in order to escape.


Oh yes please!

Make spear gun equipment. And hits landed do 5-10 damage but cause bleed damage that only stops after you heal. So it’s great for withering resources, bad for quick kills. And the laser net would be so niche they could definitely add it as equipment. It would 100% not be op due to how massive the maps are like there are so few places you could effectively trap anyone in. But really tough spots for the predator like the caves on excavation, would be awesome for the laser traps.


Tips electrically charged for the combi stick?
Good lord I wish we had elements for out weps.

Lazer traps sound awesome.

@Weevo540 ya I wish pred didnt feel so under equipped.
Would be fun to have more options in match.

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Yeah. Only carrying two weapons is a little silly. Especially for the bigger classes.


That’s why i won’t buy any of the dlc and if the new mode they are working on is behind a pay wall im not going to play this game anymore

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It actually make sense if you think about it…more you have the less you can move

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Add the dissolving liquid seen in AvP: Requiem, once you pour it on a killed Fireteam player they will come back as a randomly selected loadout from their own list, instead of the one they selected, if they get reinforced via the radio. Also make it possible to use it on dead AI’s so others can’t come like: “We’ve got a dead body over here!” “Sound the alarm!”. A fun thing to the game.
And give veritanium each time the liquid is being used!

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