We now know the names of the other 2 maps.

So the new map is called excavation sooo heres the other 2 names. Ive been trying to find this image for awhile.

Also @FossilHunter13 There are all of the names of all missions ingame currently incase you missed any.


thank you, 🙏


Np just trying to sate peoples craving for new content.


We’re all still disappointed in you. XD


We have 10 days left in the month. Watch the update be today, I really doubt that though.

Dude you’re worse than mayans at prediticting dates. XD.

Lol I’m just messing with ya man.
I doubt theyl do it on a Sunday.

I just wish it woulda been out already.

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I’m speculator its what I do passively as a habit. In all seriousness though they announced the 2.0 On Wednesday August 19th, Its Sunday September 20th, there was 11 days left in August before they announced 2.0, I dont think they have a announcement shedcule, soo yeah its any day at this point. HOWEVER the least likely is sometimes the most likely.

I’m thinking Tuesday.

Usually they love to release updates on Tuesdays.
But at this point who knows.


Thats a safe bet, Im more thinking the time frame if they are annoucing the date first before its released which is most likely or they just drop the update like they did for June and July without warning.

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If I had to bet, I’d say it’s gonna be out next Friday.


good find!!!

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It was buried in google images.

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the best leaks are usually data mined like this and I commend anyone for being able to do this however I personally think either well see the maps at the end of the month or they’ll post pone it and fix current issues since dropping a map and mode on top of what they have now wouldnt be good

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The sate is for the 28th

Well since the update is coming alot later in the month than anticipated and they said its still coming this month, Im sure they are taking extra time so we DONT have another 2.0 patch conundrum, the main problem rn is the blue screens for ps4 and just stability in general.

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right thats pretty bad given its a ps4 exlusive LOL

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Yeeaah makes it hard to play, I straight up aviod Backwater at this point cause ive had the most problems with it.

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Ik atleast glitch or freeze everytime I play

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It happens usually when Im enageing the ft which is just the worst feeling imo.

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yeah that sucks man I know the feeling predator use to spam his melee randomly and expose my whole position

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