We should all be furious... [Rant and venting]

Well said @R3TR0SAUR. I love this Game to pieces and have played consistently since it’s release. But if @IllFonic was to do one thing right now, it would be Flat Out Communication. Once Monthly Free Updates and Once Monthly DLC are awesome as is their content. But only Communicating when they’re dropping those two?? It’s amplifying the current Issues Hunting Grounds has.

Overall, IMO, Hunting Grounds has an excellent Foundation. Playing either Side is a lot of fun. Fireteams flourish when working together and the Predator is awesome. But… waiting upwards of 10+ Minutes to have a round as a Yautja!? That’s a bit absurd, especially for Players who don’t have dedicated Time to wait. I sincerely hope that a Server Patch comes along and fixes this as Wait Times really hinder the whole experience.

And lastly, please fix Duplicates. I get that they want People to play for the long haul. And everyone will as long as there’s incentive to keep going. While I still open up small pockets of Field Crates (5 to 10 a pop) my hope of those Mythical Trophies has diminished to near nothing.

We all love Hunting Grounds and want it to succeed. All of this would be a lot easier on us if Illfonic would just say something.