I think the recoil changes were good in update 2.5, but some of the base rifles are now worthless compared to the Hammerhead and Mercenary which have better DPS and less damage drop off plus an underbarrel grenade launcher.
Additionally, some of the predators strongest weapons have been substantially nerfed. The Axe, the plasma Pistol, and the Bow are now in a decent place. The Norse Hammer has been way over nerfed, not sure why. The plasma caster is less explosive but stronger with direct hits which is good.
But ONE Fireteam weapon continues to be the most broken gun from the very release of this game never once having its damage reduced. The SAWZ-50. So much of the Fireteam imbalance is only because of this weapon. So with that context @Doom.
Please reverse the damage nerfs on the QR-4, G-ROW, and AR-W and buff the range on the GOSL and QR-4, then reduce the damage of the SAWZ-50 by 20%. After all of those changes, most weapons will be weak enough to give the predator a chance while still each having there own effective niche to fit a chosen play style.
But the fact that the base damage of the SAWZ50 is 252 while the highest damaging Shotgun is 246 at point blank range should be clear as day that the SAWZ50 is way too powerful.