Weapon Tracking

Make the tracking with melee weapons consistent it’s annoying when one game the tracking is amazing and the next game it literally misses anything you try to hit.



I feel ya… one match I LITERALLY hit no-one with the axe. I was right behind them, they didn’t move or see me, and the motherfuckin thing veered off to the left by 'bout a half meter in-game.

When I used to use the axe it literally made me go the exact opposite way i wanted to go.

Was playing privates with buddies of mine last night. Twice, we noted the Hook heavy attack not registering despite going right through the FT player model and the player standing still. Twice…

That’s not a user-related issue at that point and needs to be addressed by developers.

This is why I don’t use the hook. That shit happens constantly

We also noted at one point FT knife missed completely but still did damage twice. Yes, two time. He missed by about 3m swinging at my back and did damage when I reached about 6m away. The second time was the same thing except I was behind him when I took damage.

Also noted arrows going through FT members again at any given time. Simple hit registration fix with that.

This is why I’m hesitant to play the game anymore.


Yep. Game fucks pred with bugs constantly

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This is actually why I hate the katana. The tracking is shit half the time and with bad ping it’s even worse. Sometimes the lunge of the heavy goes far and other times you don’t lunge at all.

That’s only happened to me once but I swear to God I came close to a haemorrage.

I was wandering when someone would say that on this tread, took longer than expected.

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