WeebyKiwiis trash

Rather have 3v12 Pred teams. Simply combine two maps to make a larger one and combine the other two to make a large map so two newish maps. Big enough for a 3v12.


Longer missions for that mode

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Seemed like a boring match for both sides. I can go on but rather not throw shade


You just always want the advantage pc scum đŸ€Ș

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Or no missions simple goal preds try to kill everyone FT try to survive till Evac arrives at 15 minute mark plus the wait time for the chopper to land or they kill and/or capture a Pred.


Wouldn’t be an advantage considering I play Predator more than anything and 3 preds vs 12 FT would still be a definite challenge. Plus still gonna use a controller. Just be bigger and better system than a console with 144fps vs 30fps and so on


Popcorn munching in the background


Not a big fan of that jump PC shooting towards the end but it’s whatever to each their own.


i had fun once i found them. the most boring part was being lost in the beginning rip.

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The battle leading up to the building is a perfect example of why “jumping” should drain stamina.


Also Adhesive if you lost to a predator who’s using the two simplest weapons in the game and you didn’t even complete the mission that’s saying you’re bad not him because you didn’t complete the mission and you couldn’t successfully defend yourself from him

Jumping and leaping drains stamina

I still disagree with regular jumping requiring stamina. Most of the classes already get tuckered out after swinging a melee weapon or leaping once even with adrenal why add an extra drain.

If you wanted to prevent that kind of attack from happening with the PC just make the PC require at least a second before firing but then why fuck the pred over like that for something that does little damage and can be countered fairly easily by someone who has a grenade.

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True, plus I don’t even think some weapons require energy to use, like the sickle or sword, but the axe and combi is plausible

Jumping does not.

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I do not agree with this WHOLEHEARTEDLY if we make jumping cost stamina for the predator we have removed the only High skill difference between low skill predators and high skill predators as movement in the game is currently king for predator if your not always moving in order to not take damage from hitscan weapons your simply dying FULL STOP as the only other 4 things are effective use of traps, environment awareness, closing on mistakes, and straight up accuracy

if we want to solve the bunny hop issues for predator we either have to give the predator more damage +% or reduce FT damage or give FT some kind of effective aim assist so they have an easier time snapping to Predators or give the predator some kind of halo esc shield system so he can take the time to aim and shoot while FT just dump rounds into him

As remember all of predator projectiles take time to travel to the FT while FT damage is instant

without jumping you literally cannot melee the FT at all without dying if the FT was looking at you when you started meleeing them


Ah ok

Also these FT you faced were dogshit if they can’t deal with a predator who is litearlly jumping in place in front of them they would never be able to deal with a predator who is trying to melee them who would be jumping literally over their heads repeatedly


I think the quick shots do around 50 damage on direct hit and the splash damage is an added bonus if you miss.

Also, the bow and the plasma pistol can basically do the same thing.

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