
Shouldn’t weekends be the busiest time for the forums?

Instead they are the slowest

Am I the only one who sees this as a bad sign?


Slow for who? Okh or courier? Or the players! Im saying out of the active players here!

For players

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Ohhh okay! Well it’s because most players have moved on!

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Well this game did get dropped in a pandemic. People had all the time in the world to stir shit up in here.

Peoples lives may be returning to normal and people aren’t becoming as personally invested with this game anymore.

Probably for the best tbh…

No more frustrations with battling the mechanics of the game while playing the game itself, praying one day it will be the game we all hope it could be.

Exhausting… lol



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Unfortunately I have around 10 people sitting and waiting to hear that the game ISNT the same experience that they had left it in.

They tried many times to come back and play, but ran into the same old issues.

Pretty sure a ton of folks are of the same mind.

Illfonic needs to do the drop to end all drops and right this puppy.

People would look stupid not playing a well made Predator game.

There needs to be that appropriate mixture of incentive and plug in and play. (Not trying to wonder why things work the way they do ALL THE TIME)

I guess in the minority that doesn’t see the game is quite as bad of a light as most

IMO the game just needs further balancing and more maps, weapons, characters, gear and cosmetics for it to be a great game

And basic things need to work. Leaping. Melee tracking. Environment interaction.

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Man, weekends do seem to be ass. Waited 12 minutes for a lobby. Got infinite connecting. Restarted. 12 minutes in again still nothing. Wow. Well, can’t say I didn’t try. On to something else I guess 🤷‍♀️

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It really sucks

Especially for Predator fans

At least there is no shortage of really good games

I’ve been having a blast with Hitman III and Ghost Recon Breakpoint

The part that hurts is that it has so much potential. PHG can be an amazing game, the skeleton is there, the feel is there. What we need is relatively small changes of balance content, and draw. Nobody is asking for the game to be completely reworked or trashed and done again. It feels like the start of something that can be great. Which is why so many people are hoping that Illfonic can bring it around.


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Fuck me I actually got a game. Then everything froze and I was kicked. Connection timed out it said. This game is such fucking trash. Games shut off for the day. What a waste of the IP.

You’re house is only as sturdy as you’re foundation 👍🏻

Exactly, foundation is great, but the house is egg.


My point was how trustworthy is the foundation really? I’m no expert so I couldn’t say for a fact , but it might explain the bugs . When they make adjustments in content and such? The thing is rocking all over the place

You mean for the literal game? Well I guess that depends on what engine they are using. If the engine isn’t originally built for this type of game than yeah. You’d need an amazing team to literally make new tech to make it work. Or else you get all the bugs. Just look at Bioware and the frostbite engine. The engine is originally made for fps. So they had to spend so much time just making new tech just so they could use it for an third person rpg.


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