What do we know about Cleopatra?

She made it perfectly clear too, funny how Dutch literally has a obsession with her too driving this therapy home that Dutch doesn’t take kindly to being dominated on his own home turf.

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Wait u have to buy dutch to listen to some of the tapes

Oh? I thought they where free as you level up???
Huh weird

Yea I have all of them I’m level 121 maybe the game is concealing something…like space tiddies

Depends on the canonicity, I thought? Because the Hish (I fucking hate this take on the predators) can switch between the teo genders dueing mating seasons.

Big Mama looked like a dude with the only difference being a vagina.

And in some cases the two genders arw distinctly different. Like…there’s a lor of author variation. I can agree though that under standard lore that they are, back upon homeworld, a matriarichal society.

They are free.

Damn right.🤣


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Bruh. It’s tiddies

God I remember reading that male mates sometimes didnt survive the mating period and it just has me rolling that death by snu snu was a regular event on their planet 🤣

But yeah I think the closest I can describe their society to would be the Spartan way of life.

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But their from space, that makes them 10x different 💀

Yeah! One of the predators in one of the more “cannon” novels mentioned that males could get seriously hurt because females woud be overwhelmed with pleasure and end up launching a male or thrashing around and injuring the, lmaoo

Dutch be like “mmmmmm warm space tiddies”


Whenever some new fan gets into Predator the funniest thing is always them learning about how the Female Yautja just throw the Males around during the act.

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Thrusting from behind only for her to throw it back and you end up with a concussion cuz her hips flung you back.☠☠🤣🤣



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No stop! I have a over active imagination and it’s too funny🤣💀

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Oot dutch member can handle it tho

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Hunting Gods forbid, you and your partner trying to spice it up and she grips the dreads…yank! Squelch. Pop.☠

Then you just gotta stand there whilst she look at you like; 👁👄👁clenching the predlock.

Rip. It’s funny and equally disappointing to think about.

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I am happy we finally have a good day & thread on this Forum. Everyone just coming together to hornypost on the advent of Cleo’s release.