What do we know about Cleopatra?

Okay this is for the brain storm area of the fan base, so if it’s something negative like “The games trash it should die yada yada yada” don’t worry you’ll get your moment to shine like everyone else when the character comes out and you start ripping into her as soon as you get into a match and then die and believe it’s the character not you yourself that’s bad.

Anyways now that I’m done with that, let’s gather all we know about this Huntress down in the comments. We know that she bested Dutch and that Dutch himself is now hunting for her in a act of revenge, we know unlike her male counter parts that she doesn’t showboat or even give her prey a chance to retaliate once she strikes. The class I’m thinking about is that she heavily relies on stealth along with using ranged weapons it seems (don’t quote me that’s just what I vividly remember). So I’m already guessing that she will have 1 unique specialization with 2 of the old ones (then again I could be wrong), I’m thinking for the old Specilizations we will be getting either Warrior or Assassin/Ghost. For the unique however I think it might be traps related where traps will do more damage like giving them Netgun or Bear Traps a damage boost.

As for looks, we only know what Dutch told us which very little but straight to the point. She wears Egyptian like clothing/armor, as we know from our own history Egyptians weren’t heavily armored so I’m thinking she wears (like the Viking) Egyptian like cloth around her chest and waist area with leather and VT armor similar to how all Primal Predator hunters wear, along with possible jewelry on her dreadlocks along with a gem neckless to really sell it.

Now the weapons will be a complicated choice since most of every character to come to the game has a unique weapon, Viking with his Axe, Valk with her Hammer, and Alpha with his Sycle. We know it can’t be spear since the Combi Stick already fills that roll, we might get a different variant of the Elder Sword looking like this:

(I mean we have a different for for the Combistick, doesn’t sound too far fetched for them to do this)

This very weapon actually is a Trophy for the Predator which kinda proves my earlier theory that the Predator Trophies might be linked to up coming DLC. This sword was used to attack soldiers with shields so they can rip it away from the defenders so this weapon could be a counter to the parry system of Fireteam (just spitballing at this point). Now another good weapon or should a say defensive weapon they could add to the game might be a Shield, not your regular circle shield but a rectangle one covering head to two that only has a limited usage where if broken it’s gone forever (kinda am hoping for more breakable Predator weapons that way it not only gives FT a edge, but also has Predator strategize what to do)

I honestly can’t wait for this Predator to be released when it does I’ll be the first to buy and play her, maybe come up with a good story of her or a whole new Predator. So let’s get talking!


She let dutch go bc she thought he was a sexy beast


And if she does the animation kill on dutch she rapes him and he dies of pleasure


Well one side of the fandom will be very happy if this turned out to be true


Space tiddies


Why yes

Aren’t you the observant one lol, have a heart for the chuckle

Well, Considering I am a whole ass geek; I gave all of my Hunters and Huntress lore, stat sheets, history and all. That’s besides the point though.👌🏽😅

Considering I have a passions for reading and writing and am taking writing courses that I may hopefully became a writer in the future; It was no issue. Had fun with them. I plan on doing the same once I customize her a bit.

Anyway, besides what you noted, she might also be sadistic or an extremist. I say this because she single handedly took down the greates Predator hunter plus his team, roughed his ass up but let him live. Now, either she thought this would bring him shame as a warrior and was using that “I could’ve kill you at any point” mentality or, like I mentioned, she kept him alive because she wanted him to suffer alone and/or come after him with nothing but hatred and vengence, which in turn could make a future hunt more exciting.


Jesus fuk…fuck.☠


Lol I wanna see fanart of this now



If the design is good I might do something art wise for her. If not, guess I’ll just draw some regular space tiddys.

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She was described as bigger but leaner than normal Yautja

Her armor was said to be ornate almost Egyptian

Just listen to the Dutch Tapes

Unless you didn’t buy Dutch

In which case


Ayyyy same dude!

Good for you dude! I hope you find joy in it as much as I did when creating short stories and lore for the Predator Builds and Volumed stories I’ve done^^

That is a good point, I always thought of it as a fishing deal like catch and release. “I could have killed you but just know I’m the only one who even came close where the males failed.” She basically just pronounced that Dutch was her bitch basically

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I think I speak for everyone when I say that in less than 24 hours we shall ALL be Cleo’s bitch, not just Dutch. Can I get an Amen.

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Bigger huh? The females we know in this game aren’t exactly bigger, more so smaller then the males. However this might be Illfonic’s way of saying “she’s comic book accurate” similar to Big Mama.

Yeah!! Exactly. Just like this woman with a drive to prove herself; as capable as the men that dominate their hunting culture or better.

Just this freaking too dawg, no shut taking, Alpha pred bitch. Thinking she wanted Dutch to know too; “I am different from the others.”

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Amen ✋😔🤚

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IIRC the Yautja are kind of a Matriarchal Society and all the Males are basically canon Bottoms since the Females are born on average stronger & smarter than them, even if they have smaller frames. Something about muscle density and all that.


…depends on what my brain says; “somewhat alurring and bad ass or hard pass.” Lol. Game speaking…YEAH BOIIII. I’ll be getring fodderized and also be doing the foderizing.