What feral Pred looked like before CGI

have you people seen this shit?
if Feral is ever coming to the game I hope it will be based of this practical look and not CGI


Yeah man, the beef jerky hanging in the background is fake as fuck!

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man what a waste for the practical fx team that spent eons working on that just for it to be plastered in CGI


CGI was only used for jumps and obvious movements that could not be performed with a clunky suit without breaking it.

You are a fucking idiot and it shows how much attention to detail you pay when you talk like the whole movie was made on CGI


Like the whole indian fight? yeah utterly impossible to do with a suit, i’m sure.
A melee fight has never been attempted in the history of the franchise, righto.

Git gud

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You clearly have poor information regarding practical effects cost and how often they break while doing these scenes. How time consuming and therefore, production costs rise because of it.

You know little to nothing about cinema or cinema production and it shows…

“muh cgi”


Skill issue.

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ignorant issue

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Practical effects shark

CGI Shark

Real shark

People who say practical effects look more believable than CGI have never been outside their room and look at the real world


Agreed, they honestly should’ve lessened the amount of CGI over it and limited to subtle facial expressions and enough movement in the mandibles to make it look natural. Maybe a slight slime covering but not too much.

Still not a fan of the face but I liked the practical version SIGNIFICANTLY better then the one in the film, I’m not annoyed by it other then being very different from the classic look.

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lmao too disingenuous to even use the CGI Jaws vs Practical Jaws


Gather around gang, here’s spiderman vs cgi spiderman


Based cinematography views.

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Backpack was held up with suction cups, the actor had to be very moist on his back.

srsly cinema just got hit with the same talent issue music and games have. Everyone’s a hack.
No one even knows how to blend anything they just hand the whole thing to a warehouse in India.
even stuff like makeup is screwed now because actors can’t be fucked to wear it.


“The predator moves impossibly fast”

“Also you can do that in a suit”

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said no one ever as he gets flexed on by a retired cop and a 18 year old girl

Yakuza scene? No?

Imagine taking the worst of CGI and saying that represents all cgi

What about LOTR who literally had an entire cgi character

And what about alien 3 who’s practical effects weren’t even quality enough to have that fake quality to them

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You literally fucking complained that the new CGI pred moved impossible fast to the point of breaking physics

You literally said this about the new film, dont backtrack on this

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How is the new spiderman movie the worst of cgi?

Atleast you acknowledged that the worst of cgi is still worse than bad practical fx. At the very least you get some dogshit movie magic with visible wires which is still better than the eldrich uncanny isekai vfx crawling around in some interns mind.

Protip: You can see the wire when the alien rises out of the water behind newt in 2. I’d take that over them committing the mother of all sins trying to animate something rising out of water under a godray, spare me.

dumb nerd I said “it turns into a physics-less object”

as in there’s 0 weight to it

you said WELL UH THATS THE POINT, like it doesn’t apply to every cgi spectacle shitfest made in the last decade because obviously animators aren’t physicists. Difference is people used to acknowledge that and not fly that close to the sun trying to animate a moving person.
IE yikes I went back and rewatched I am Legend and I just wish they’d used makeup, its hurts the whole later half of the film.

also you should re-quit the forums before posting 90 something replies in this thread talking in circles, go DM @ElderPreddy instead pls

Don’t even hit that reply button.

Delete whatever you’re typing. Go to sleep.