What games do you all play when you aren't playing this?

What do all you guys play when you aren’t playing the absolute Trainwreck of a game that is Fireteam Cunting Grounds?

I personally play Friday the 13th the Game, Dead by Daylight, Alien Isolation, COD Modern Warfare (mainly Operation Monarch) and I would play Aliens Fireteam Elite if I hadn’t had all my damn progress reset for the 3RD TIME.


Warzone mostly. But I suck. Constant shoot first die first



Evil Dead

Chivalry II

Insurgency: Sandstorm

Dead by Daylight

Single player games of course

Curious about green hell

Considering deep rock galactic and stranded since they were free

Sniper Elite V coming up

And of course retro games

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Been playing a shit ton of Cyberpunk and if not that Dragon Age Origins. The other would be Evil Dead but I haven’t had much time to play that.

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In terms of multiplayer experiences?

Enlisted; Battlefront 2, Fortnite, Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76 and some fighting games like Guilty Gear Strive & Dragon Ball FighterZ.

For solo games currently I play stuff like Sonic Mania; Dragon’s Dogma, Elden Ring, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, etc.

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I need to go back to spiderman and red dead redemption 2. Started them only briefly

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Star Wars The Old Republic

Ghost recon BP, Evil Dead, Assassins creed origins and Black Flag (soon to be Odyssey), COD for the Godzilla event, Powerslave, Doom Eternal, Duke Nukem Project Manhattan, still gotta finish Spiderman all the way, Uncharted 4 here and there, Red Dead 2, MKXL and MK 11, DCU online. I pinball around these games mostly these days, among others. Really depends what I feel like. I still poke around with Skyrim and Fallout 4 now and again to try new mods. I don’t have tons of play time, so I try to get a lot out of it.

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Ark, Bloodhunt, Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, Primal Carnage and a few others.

Been getting into evil dead recently, but il play battlefront 2, or smite.

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Getting into Bloodborne/Elden Ring lately.

Essentially Aliens Fireteam, Primal carnage extinction, avp 2010, pubg and Ghost Recon wildlands(I don’t play Alien isolation that much because its a damn freaking scary game😭😭😂)

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Dying Light 2

Blood hunt

Elden Ring

Aliens FT

I too suck at BRs but is this event worth re downloading war zone for? Huge fan of Zilla and Kong

I just got the Evil Dead. It’s pretty cool. Still trying to beat Contra 3 legit on hard ( SNES ver) as well.

This garbage

Anything is better

Destiny 2, Warframe, Jurassic World Evolution 2, and now if I get bored after work playing Saints Row 4 to 100% it. It’s… Taking a while lol

Just got Horizon Forbidden West too

Only PHG


I hasn’t tried that yet actually. Looks cool though