What if part 2

Never. We need them all

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First I’d like the wrist launcher to be fixed

All they need to change is the flame particles to sparks and increase the blinding effect

They could then use the existing flame particles to create a separate wrist mounted flame thrower to deal with campers

I really like the idea of the bolas as a trap

It would make the preds to throw bear traps at FT faces happy for sure

I’d really like dual axes that can be thrown for Predator (FT should be able to throw knife too)

Additionally with the axes if you hold R2+L2 you can block incoming fire and charge at FT to knock the first one you make CONTACT with to the ground for a short time

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Nice ideas.

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I can beat that, feast your eyes on my big gun πŸ˜‰image

This reminds me of the shovel launcher in far cry 4 lol

Ft dont need any new guns.

You know. You used to be cool.

We can use that to shoot the chopper down

It’s from another Arnold movie. It has a crazy thermal scope and shoots through walls. It’s supposed to be a rail gun.

Some of these are in the Cameron edition. James Cameron mostly uses the pulse rifle or the phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.

Other times James Cameron plays as T1000 and just uses all kinds of knives and stabbing weapons.

Anything is possible with a bigger gun πŸ˜‰

For a Predator?

Time to bring in the weapons of Yautja my friends

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