What if part 2

Weapons, more weapons and weapons.

This game is very lackluster in the weapon department. This is a sci-fi IP why are we not getting crazy weapons in both sides. Whyyyyyyy Illfonic whyyyyy.

So we need more Pred weapons and ft but mainly pred.

So as @ElderPreddy mentioned in my other what if post we need his ideas

Throwable weapons
Electroshock Bolas · Smart Disc (Poli Nanovibronic Disc) · Shuriken · Combistick

|Projectile weapons|
Speargun · Electroshock Missile Battery

|Directed energy weapons|
Energy Flechette · Plasma Pistol · Burner · Plasmacaster (Blazer) · Killscreen Generator
Which are all great suggestions

We also need

Whip, A scythe of some sort, A extended wrist blade. And maybe dual wielding weapons like dual elder swords and maybe dual axes.

New gear. Such as a drone, spy camera, laser door blockers to force ft out a signaler door.

Maybe Pred dogs with the loss of target iso

Post anyothers

Ft needs more weapons aswell not just new assault rifles cough cough 3 in a row cough cough

I think each class of weapons should get atleast one new one.

Pistols need a full auto pistol
Shotguns need a sawed off version of the first one
Snipers need either a railgun type weapon that shoots a high powered bolt or what the pitbull should have been a plasma based sniper that deals high damage but down side is slower rate of fire than the bolt action.

Also plz make the grenade launcher a 2ndary weapon

Like with Predator plz add any others thank you


No railgun.
Even tho I’d use it lol.


We could get the rail gun from the movie The Eraser.

This one.


Well yeah obi, I am trying to be satirical while throwing shade at Illfonic thats all


for the claymor fireteam, fire grenade, stun grenade, electric grenade, manual detonator c4, missile launcher only one rocket but which have shot to unlock in the weapon crates in game plus a flame thrower

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Yes to all maybe not rocket launcher and flamethrower. A flame thrower would require them to buff the ingame fire and may throw the balance off but yeas to the others a million times yes

I would also like to see the Maul



Maul and whip!!!


Fock it, Shurikens and Wolf’s dual plasma casters too!!!

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Nice keep them coming

Do u want me to post 100 weapons? xD


Do you boo boo. I aint scared ill read everyone and give comments on all

Marine Pulse Rifle
M240 Incinerator Unit
ZX-76 Shotgun
M42C Scoped Rifle
M56 Smartgun (best gun lol)
88 Mod 4 Combat Pistol
M4RA Battle Rifle
M39 Submachine Gun
MK221 Tactical Shotgun


All are great. Maybe weapon modes for some of the shotguns. Fame-thrower and rpg are a Hard No in my books. They will become meta to campers and spammers. So hard pass. The smart rifle seems cool. Any type of explanation on it tho?

The scoped rifle is what I really thought the pitbull rifle was going to be. Any assault rifle is good. More sub machine guns will be awesome.

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The M56 Smartgun is a man-portable heavy machine gun with automatic targeting

The smart gun has a lenght of 122cm!
It shots 1200rounds per minute
Its close to middle range

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So a more op mini gun? Mhm maybe limit it to a 100 round burts and have a manual mode to shoot till over heated. Mhmmm

More op minigun? Are u kidding? XD
Minigun is absulteley trash.

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There can’t be enough weapons

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I know this. Im trying to stay unbiased. Try to make it a non predator killing weapons while maintaining its pred killing status