What if

To throw the Bias argument out the window at the start if this. I do not main on side or the other. I play equally on both sides. Also play with crossplay on aswell for both sides (Atleast till I get my shit pushed in by a pc death squad twice, I then go lick my wounds with crossplay turned off)

Anyway What if, There was a way to Return Pred to its former glory while leaving the Ft at its current meta or slightly better.

So currently the Ft almost all perks work the way intended. All guns deal relatively good damage against the pred. (some better than others yes) so lets not start off with them.

Predator: The name of this game.
The first and biggest revert will need to be P.C (plasma caster) This weapon needs feel like it does in the movie something the Ft fears, heads on a swivel for the fear of being taken to near death with a full charged shot.

Health: The preds health either needs a major buff or some sort of regenerative over shield, which can take 50% extra damage before needing to recharge. (2-3 mins maximum without new perks being added)
If you run out of energy or are hit with a A.C.I nade shield is gone aswell and doesn’t comeback till energy does. (draining energy does not return over shield if it was shot away)
(One or the other not both)

Movement and stealth: Crouch running the pred needs to be able to sprint half speed while crouched at the cost of more stamina,
While also being crouch make less noise or no noise.
Stealth. While crouch walking is invisible, while crouch running is barely visible.

Gear and perks: The preds need to be able to hold almost all its gear. So maybe 4 gear and perk slots per pred. Add 3 points to each pred for gear and perks.

Weapons: the pred needs to be able to hold 3 weapons. But 1 has to be a ranged weapon.

Fireteam, like stated above has great all around everything, but when an opposing side gets a major buff one should expect the side to get one aswell.

All ft members get a health buff to half of what thick skin gives them. So to help buffer the P.C buff

Ft weapons damage is good enough to deal with the extra health or over shield since A.C.I nades take it away would help counter the slam spammers.
Ft weapons. Pistols count as side arm. Not secondary weapon So ft get 3 weapons aswell

Ft movement. Gain Prone and crouch run.

Ft gear and perk. Ft gets all perk points reverted to pre nerf and also get one extra gear item in game. So 2 A.C.I nade you get 3 and gearhead will give them 4.

This is all a what if balance suggestion. Very non bias


Sounds good to me 🤷‍♀️

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I like the idea of basically JUST buffing predator and leaving FT where its at.


Yeah. I think the needs a little buff to balance out the major changes like the P.C buff because without a slight health buff 1 shotting everyone is a issue Im trying to aviod

I edited because I forgot to include pistols as sidearms instead of a secondary weapon

It’s interesting, I’ll think about it but reserve my opinion for later.

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I’m totally with you on this. FT is op as hell just now. Buff pred to what he was and we have ourselfs some balance XD


Hot take but PC is already better than almost everything as a default weapon as you charge it staring at the ground (big damage + AOE), meanwhile everything else in the preds arsenal sans bow sucks in comparison & its all single target damage.

The 1 shot caster was the only thing that needed the nerf, combistick just needed tracking nerfed so it could continue to function as a slow AOE melee weapon without everyone crying about it being unable to just switch to knife and infinitely parry it while infinite parries were still a thing

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Fair. But to bring balance to a some what playable level the ft need to fear the P.C. So a near death shot off a full charge should get this. Idk I may love this weapon a little to much so I might have a biased opinion

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I hope your not waiting on me to blow up because that wont happen I packed sandwiches today so im logical and full lol

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Seriously id be fine if they nerfed the ability to walk while charging caster as long as they brought the rest of preds weapons up to par instead of almost everything in the list being redundant garbage. Would be a welcome change. I don’t recall predator walking around while shooting caster anyways. Feature only exists to peek around corners with it, negating the caster charge & its dumb.

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I think that is going in the opposite direction of balance but it is a good thought

😂, no I just need to think about it. The shield is probably to much stacked with health, one or the other might be ok. The PC might need fine tuning but does not need to be the beast it was. The perk points need individual class balancing not a blank buff. Extra Gear and Perk slots are debatable. I need to think about it.

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It is one or the other. Im sorry I didnt make that clear my apologies. All others fair

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I may have a biased opinion on the P.C since its a primary weapon to me. So I am trying to avoid the biased opinion

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If you buff pred. It doesnt do any good. Now if you give pred perks like level 150 elders bane

Predator does 15% dmg accross the board. At gost of 8 perk pts


New perks are a great idea. I have done a what if about passive perks for the Pred such as bloodlust. Every claim is 5% speed and damage buff for quick and long claim is 7%
And then against all odds passive the Predator gets a damage resistance buff by 5% for that number of ft players that the pred is in combat with has to be two or more tho

No crouch run or prone.
Ya the crouch run makes no sense what’s so ever, and as much as I’d like to go prone for sniping, ima say no too.

I dont think pred needs more health as long as pred just gets more gear and traps, basically, he just needs more options in match.

So far everything pred has is pretty easy to deal with.
So pred needs something that even if its low usage, it can not be easily dealt with.
Something for groups, or to be able to split the group.

I havent thought of anything exact yet.

But all the preds arsenal is too 1v1 focused.
Pred needs stuff for multiple targets.

Only the first pistol should be allowed as a side arm .

Leave ft gear and perks as they are now.

Honestly I wish pred could put mods on his weapons.
I really want to add status effects To the pc.

Anyway these are my thoughts on this.

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Fair. Care to explain more on crouch run? I see it very beneficial on both sides. Prone was just something to throw in there.

I see you objection on pistol side arms because that would mean everyone would have a 2xl but what if we limit the sidearms ammo to 14 shots or only three mags and they dont get restocked with ammo crates?

I would like to add mods to Preds weapons idk about stats effects but maybe a auto three shot caster mod or Bleed arrows for the bow. Hand held maybe a mod to charge up the six shots to one massive shatter shot.

I feel like a over shield will give the pred the ability to divide and conquer tho. Idk man just thoughts

Hell no, I actually run a pistol as my secondary and don’t want a complete nerf to it. Not mad, I get your throwing out ideas.

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