What happens when we die?
What is death?
An inevitability of life.
Life and death are two sides of the same coin. Something exists for a while, then ceases to exist and eventually becomes the nothing that it was before its existence.
I don’t understand why people fear death. It’s just as natural as life itself.
As to what happens when we die, well you go through the stages of decomposition and eventually all the atoms that make you up become as scattered as they were before you lived. Pallor mortis, algor mortis, rigor mortis, livor mortis, self digestion, bloat, initial decay, heavy decay, skeletonization, and eventually dust if you want to speak in proper terms.
Were’nt we all just atoms in the beginnings of this universe? 14 billion years ago? And only now in the lest 4000 years of existence do we comprehend things? But in the last 20 years we feel connected through the internet.
Yes. If you want to feel really special, each of us is made of stardust.
I prefer to think in practical terms. The atoms released in the Big Bang will eventually also become nothing. As we have been able to create something from nothing in a lab, however it equalizes out very rapidly. Think of it as borrowing. If you borrow a much larger mass, then it will take longer to equalize out. Then heat death of the universe and all that fun stuff.
Eventually it all balances out. Neat, huh?
what will happen in the next 10 years? What will become of our deaths? What is the antithesis of death in those years? will it be transcendent? will we be more human?
Will we have achieved godliness?
Whatever you want it to be.
Mass have you been drinking again?
In the next 10 years life will likely continue as usual. I don’t think we’ll have achieved immortality by then, but who knows given how fast technology is advancing. shrugs
i know you know! I know you know that we know what we know we already know!!!