What is the best Stalker

What is the best Stalker out of:

  • Elder Stalker
  • Cleopatra Stalker
  • Bionic Stalker

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Which is the best and why in your opinion

Cleopatra and Bionic require Adneral Boost to get consistent use out of Stalker, or super micro management of base Stamina.

Elder meanwhile you can jump around a bit more overall and still have consistent usage. Adneral Boost is a overall upgrade rather than patching up the drawbacks.

Bionic is the one that doesnt need adrenal boost to function well actually, at least thats my experience in privates, he has better stamina than both Elder and Cleo.

Stalker is mainly about shooting standing still with plasma weapons, Bionic has the best energy for that.

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Best stalker? @John_Herbert on the playground map.


Only reason to run Elder over Cleo was for the lens, downrange, adrenal boost combo. Also little more energy. Bionic has shit perk points but he is managable without adrenal.

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Elder because he’s older lol 😂

I don’t know Bionic’s hard stats unfortunately but he handles a lot like Zerker, especially owing to the Perk and Gear Space, at least when I’ve played him.

He is only similar to Zerk in perk/gear points, his stats were posted by the Guide dude. Most energy amount on the game, faster than Hunter, stamina close the averafe etc.

The Night Stalker AKA Richard Ramirez

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One ugly motherfucker

Still smashed

I found Skool’s Fourm Guide (Nice in general) and you’re right. Damn.

I think Bionic is better for Stalker, all things considered, but I just can’t do Greyback like that. GB’s been stalking since before Bionic was an itch in his daddy’s nutsack

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