What is y’all’s favorite type of music

I see you are a man of culture as well, Metroid Prime Hunters was my shit as a kid, the OST is really good.


I remember this game having the best intro out of every game on the DS. And there was multiplayer. Trace and the turret guy were unspoken meta asf.

Idk why they hate the idea of expanding the metroid series beyond samus.


I only played metroid prime one and 2 lol.
Fusion and the prequel origin game.

Hunters never really drew my attention, but I love that remix.
That channel, DjtheS has a LOT of good remixes so if you like video game ost remixes I’d definitely check it out lol.

Carpenter brut, Perturbator. Somebody enjoys hurting other people.

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What would it be about tho?
Idk Itd be kinda weird without samus.


True but if Luigi can get his own game then there’s room for other bounty hunters in Metroid


Oh I’m not saying it cant be done.
But it’s notlike other series where there have bee side characters.

I’d definitely love another metroid game that captures the same feeling as metroid prime one.

I loved exploring and scanning stuff.
Lol metroid survival game xD.

Metroidvania survival game.
Do it.

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Hunters had Samus has the protag, you had to deal with other Hunters trying to steal your shit and it was pretty fun, biggest issue with this game were the non hunters boss fights, they were really lame and boring, Final boss was ok tho.
But the real appeal of the game was the multiplayer, it was really unbalanced but immensly fun and addicting.

Oh I know about it lol.
I guess i got the plot wrong tho, I really thought it was about phazon corrupting them, I guess I’m confusing it with prime 3.

Yeah the plot of Hunters was just them trying to get something called " The ultimate power" .
Really generic and uninteresting plot but the gameplay was good.

Cyberpunk 2077 OST…yo!

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Legendary freestyle by Tsu Surf

Mostly 70s and 80s rock and hard rock; the likes of Sabbath, Dio, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, Jethro Tull, MSG, UFO, Scorpions, Queen and then like

Every so often something else will slip through: Daydream romance (Space Cobra Adventure), select tuned from Epolets, select tuned from Pretty Reckless, one atmospheric tune (Atmosphere of Venus by Mornastra). Not a fan of classical music because I don’t have the patience for it, but i really like Vivaldi’s Storm, Mozart’s Requiem and Orff’s Fortuna.

Right now this is my high, though i gave some of their other songs a try a didn’t like them one bit

Blast this when entering the jungle

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This song plays in my head when ever I’m playing as Predator

I know that everyone is going say they listen to some kind of death metal, goth metal, progressive rock metal, metal core, punk metal, somedumb metal, heavy metal.
So i’m just goin say it, i like disco. Like modern disco. So…fuck off.
With your tatoo, motherfucking, been to jail, i have father issues, that shit. you suck. But my music on my personal days have nothing to do with this game.
And i like the scores of horror sci fi stuff, so . Alan Sylvestri, Jerry Goldsmith, Harry Gregory Williams