What time is the Update!

Ah I see where the confusion is now. The update drops a little bit after the blog. Never at the same time. So the blog drops earlier then 15 minutes later the update drops.

Why are your 130 great grand kids coming over tonight for rice and fresh fish?

Not at my house, I don’t eat fish.

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Same thing. So its 10:15 when the update drops. All i care about are the patch notes im at work. On conference calls all day about the other incompetent rental operators in my District who either A had cars stolen from them or b are not up selling enough. So im just sitting here listening to ass hats defend themselves. And im in a great mood today my district manager retires in a week so hopefully All my hard work pays off and I get a nice tasty promotion

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Ah I don’t know anymore. I’m gonna sleep it out

Chinese grandma. You are delusional again. You love fish

Come on guys, roll out the patch! I’m almost ready to whine about the new FT meta!


Three hours from now, this forum is going to look like a warzone 🤣


Lol come one its not like the current one is too much to deal with. I found a great way to deal with derailed campers. Motion Detectors on the inside of the building and just plasma cast them through the floor and hide ontop of the train or doors when they come down

Yep. Its going to be a good day for my Git Gud memes to come out

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That would have been so useful to me yesterday

Well now you know. Till preds get a scoped weapon that is the only way to push them off the roof

Smart Disc guys, SMART DISC!! Send that fucker up there and raise hell.

😂I’m looking forward to it lol


The last time I used the smart disk, FT broke it on my knee and threw it away.

Meh that dont work in my experience. You throw it and it gets stuck up their and you lose the disc first throw

*divines the future using psychic powers 🔮 *

Wait… I see it… I see much confusion and dissapointment in our futures approximately 2 hours from now.

The wailing troll will open its mighty maww and release a massive whine of lamentation. Its salty tears drowning all in a sea of brine 😭

I can see its mouth moving but I cannot make out the words…

Map?.. broken?.. something about a mode? Balance? Looks like the word… nerf… pred?

I wonder what it all means?

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Once upon a time, humanity burned witches, and witches with bad news from the future were burned and eaten. So … does anyone have salt?

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watch them drop something insane like Scar Predator only for it to freeze the game at the menu screen