What would you nerf in FT?

To many preds not adapting to how the game plays and wanting the game to come to terms with their playstyle (which is a losing style)

It’s simply polarizing how wildly different predator players are in this game, we played 5 matches last night, 3 of them where against what I’m hoping where newer predator players, 1 was decent enough but made some mistakes like sitting around after being s potted and just missed to many bow shots. The other 2 where… bad again if they are new i get it but one of them was horrible he died in less than a minute after he engaged us thinking that simply jumping straight forward while being pursued was going to do somethign for him… never over terrain or around c orners just… straight jumps… He attacked one of our members as I shot at him, stopped… came after me for a few swings… than ran? If he had just dropped my buddy than ran or finished me off before running he could of accomplished something but what he did was pointless.

The other 2 preds? friggin nightmares. Hunter that spent probably half the time on the ground and in trees, only missed a handful of shots with his bow, no they wheren’t all 360noscope headshots but when the thing does over 100 dmg on a hit they dont need to be. Someone would get downed, than the reviver would get downed. We quickly realized he was a better player and upped our game more careful in where we dropped our medkits and supplies, crawling behind cover to be revived but he also upped it in trying to finish us off instead of letting us crawl. End of match 3 of us got away on the chopper after reinforcing 2 dead players.

Second good pred was on the ground the whole time but my lord he just ran around us the whole game and was a constant terror, quick hit here and there, bow shot from here, caster round there. We pissed away so much lead trying to catch him. He managed to kill one of our FT members through downing him enough times, I was 1 down away from death as well (i brought back our dead buddy again) 4 of us made it to the chopper but only 2 of us made it aboard.

I’m not seeing a need to buff the predator, those 2 games could of easily gone either way, infact the final pred was never really in much danger even after a full game of engagements nobody broke 1000 dmg on him, we mainly where able to escape. What I am seeing though is 3 predator players that seriously need to up their game, being way to slow to react or doing dumb things somehow thinking its gonna help

edit: I guess to it’s also a matter of what you consider winning or losing or a good game. If you think those 2 pred players lost because the FT had survivors than yeah I guess you could look at it negatively. If you think they had good games because they did tons of damage, killed of FT members and survived while being a constant terror than it’s better.

i love that you think you know everyone in this game, wow thats so cool man,

if you know you take out the part where its not

put a cooldown on it.

Nowadays as soon the predator touch de ground, four dudes whit only knives stab the f out of him and win.

just like the movie right ?

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I’d nerf a bit the marking of the pred. Making it unable to show the pred location behind walls.

I would also nerf the spotting a bit. Maybe make it possible for other FT member to see the marked predator only if they are close enough from the guy who marked it.

Maybe we should be able to marks the predator only when he bleeds, or after spotting him 3 times. Spotting the bleeding of the predator would make us feel more like tracking the pred instead of having super-human highlight on the pred.

What do you guys think ?

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honestly the only nerf i would see the Slam should getting ( at least for where the game is now) is that if you shot the predator in mid air while hes Charging the slam it stuns him for 3 times longer as a reward for staying on top of that shit, this would make slaming useless unless your in a building camping. either that or you know get Rid of hitting through walls and give the predator a Gas Nade or something to flush the players out of the building.

sorry i didnt understand. I read before that you can stop a slam by shooting the pred mid air, this is true or not?

because if is not, it should

Yes and it says this in the tips under extras.

its not ture im saying its about the only way for it to be a nerf

no? does it? all i read was you can see when hes slaming i dont remember reading anything about a extra stun.

It’s not a stun it cancels it and he lands normally without the stamina

thats… seems i dont know how i feel about to be honest doesnt sound too op but it does help, good to know

ok then im agree whit you, shooting a pred mid air and stop his slam should be a thing. Same way, be able to parry should NOT.

in my opinion

I think the Pray should be an option for both if the predator Melee’s Second he stuns the Fire team if the fire team does it second then the fire team stuns him OR add a Pary button different form melee

Lmao Combi Stick throw spam? Oh you have to be kidding me. If he just wants to keep throwing his Combi Stick, then you can just surround it or just hide in a building away from the doors. Force the Predator to do something different.

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jokes on you - you suggest stay in the same spot to counter combistick throw spam? you got objective to do you cant just surround combistick or hide in buildings(and get roofslamed) forever

no you can you still win if you you out last the timer and when were talking max ranks thats all they want is to live so yea thats a thing. and i have seen it been done although counter point to that, slam. builds ante shit but hoes and tricks ;)

Then hide in a bigger building. His slam can’t hit everyone at once in the bigger buildings. Just make sure to have LOS on all FT members so you can shoot the Predator if he tries to throw the Combi Stick. Running into a bigger building makes it harder to successfully throw the Combi Stick because you’re all in a smaller area, meaning it’s easier to spot the Predator before he throws the stick.

I’m not saying surround the Combi Stick forever. Surround it while the Predator is there so you can damage him when he inevitably comes to retrieve it. Force him to retreat and come back for it later.

Everything is spamming. Throw spam, caster spam, disc spam, sprint spam, leap spam etc.

How do you lose trades with 1 pred throwing a stick at 4 people with no one firing at him and then running to grab it right in front of your face with no one firing at him and then throwing the stick again right infront of your face with no one firing at him? 8 “throw spams” on you all not even counting syringes.

Are you all using the pistol?

His cloak is fully visible while he’s strafing around trying to aim it even. Wait until you see the bow which requires comparably less effort to reposition.

Wtf why didnt this show up in my responses earlier? Sorry man, not me. I want a thicc female pred xD.

dont lie, your bi ;)