To many preds not adapting to how the game plays and wanting the game to come to terms with their playstyle (which is a losing style)
It’s simply polarizing how wildly different predator players are in this game, we played 5 matches last night, 3 of them where against what I’m hoping where newer predator players, 1 was decent enough but made some mistakes like sitting around after being s potted and just missed to many bow shots. The other 2 where… bad again if they are new i get it but one of them was horrible he died in less than a minute after he engaged us thinking that simply jumping straight forward while being pursued was going to do somethign for him… never over terrain or around c orners just… straight jumps… He attacked one of our members as I shot at him, stopped… came after me for a few swings… than ran? If he had just dropped my buddy than ran or finished me off before running he could of accomplished something but what he did was pointless.
The other 2 preds? friggin nightmares. Hunter that spent probably half the time on the ground and in trees, only missed a handful of shots with his bow, no they wheren’t all 360noscope headshots but when the thing does over 100 dmg on a hit they dont need to be. Someone would get downed, than the reviver would get downed. We quickly realized he was a better player and upped our game more careful in where we dropped our medkits and supplies, crawling behind cover to be revived but he also upped it in trying to finish us off instead of letting us crawl. End of match 3 of us got away on the chopper after reinforcing 2 dead players.
Second good pred was on the ground the whole time but my lord he just ran around us the whole game and was a constant terror, quick hit here and there, bow shot from here, caster round there. We pissed away so much lead trying to catch him. He managed to kill one of our FT members through downing him enough times, I was 1 down away from death as well (i brought back our dead buddy again) 4 of us made it to the chopper but only 2 of us made it aboard.
I’m not seeing a need to buff the predator, those 2 games could of easily gone either way, infact the final pred was never really in much danger even after a full game of engagements nobody broke 1000 dmg on him, we mainly where able to escape. What I am seeing though is 3 predator players that seriously need to up their game, being way to slow to react or doing dumb things somehow thinking its gonna help
edit: I guess to it’s also a matter of what you consider winning or losing or a good game. If you think those 2 pred players lost because the FT had survivors than yeah I guess you could look at it negatively. If you think they had good games because they did tons of damage, killed of FT members and survived while being a constant terror than it’s better.