Whats the biggst issue currently

…and there is it.

Dude you dont need to try and act all hard. You’re acting like you’re better than everyone and that only what you gotta say matters.
And dont get it twisted cause a quick pointy jab to the throat can drop you just like anyone else.

But you missed my point. Which is it’s not that serious.
Most people are venting. So let them.
Its not like the game is a good state. And given that people money into it they have a right to be upset.

So chill out. And no people cant really communicate better. I’m not talking about the ones who rage.
I’m talking about those who’ve been here from the beginning like me who gave nice civil feedback and we all just got ignored even tho a lot of people agreed with what was said.

My issue is I dont see why people like you wanna keep coming at other players when were not really the problem. Its ilfonic. Ya sure there are a few problem people. But illfonic manages this game horribly.
It’s not worth arguing over this shit anymore with each other.

Hahah he said a jab to the throat. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Good luck Doing that to anyone who knows how to play with violence and knows what their doing. I’m just here to have fun and Play the game. But when all you see is complaining nonstop. Illfonic should never listen and I’m glad that they don’t. Because you can’t please everyone.

I’m starting to think it’s bait

Wrong gif


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No it’s not bait and I’m no troll. I just enjoy exposing fake people.

Fist go punchypunchy but gun go bangybangy. Powpow wins.

And no, you can’t please everyone, but they could do a looooot to please the majority. And honestly I think this is the biggest backlash they’ve had to face across all social media platforms, so they damn well better listen if they want to continue making any kind of profit from this game.

Hahaha durbs can you show me a screenshot of how many gifs you have on your phone ? It’s must be a great collection.

It’s not like they have ever made a great phenomenal game. They’re a small end studio. Who do okay for their area of expertise.

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I don’t get why you feel the need to keep trying to act hard tho. Really dont. And theres been issues going on since the start. That have never been fixed.
Ignoring valid complaints isnt the right way to go about it.

You seem to think I’m talking about the ones who only rage. Like I’m not sure if you’re not really reading what I said, cause you missed quite a few Important points there.

I dont know what the fuck you think. Like I dont know your perception or any of that shit. So far you just come off as thinking you’re some hot shit.

But what it’s about is the fact that had ilfonic listened from the beginning and tried to at least work with us, this game would be in a terrific state and one of the most popular and fun games ever made.

Unfortunately that’s not gonna happen. It’s too late.
But for those of us who were here at the start and had high Hope’s for this game, its extremely disappointed that all the potential went to waste, and the game is in the bad state it is now.

Not all. But most people you see complaining are those who just wanted this game to succeed. To reach the level we knew it could have.

Be honest what do you expect from a studio like illfonic. The answer is quite simple. Haha not much.

I want the game to succeed always have. I’ve been a hard-core predator fan since I was very young. But this is what we got. We might not like it but it’s what we have to deal with. If it pleases you. Just know another avp game is in the works. It’s coming out in a few years. It’s from the makers of avp 2010 which I played for years.

Oh, but they have a “full” team, working on this game! You would imagine they would be more capable, regardless of their size, to perfect a damn 3D model of a Pred, its armor and its mask, and change some values for the stats and gear in whatever code they’re using before pressing “save”.

You get the point tho right? That theres no point at all to keep arguing with each other. That’s why I dont really try to get into with people on here anymore.
Ya sure we can all disagree on shit, but no more reason to act stupid over this game. It’s not even that good a game unfortunately, even tho it could have been.

Oh I know who you are fire hahah you’ve had quite a few arguments with people on here. Glad to see you finally realized it’s not worth it 👍

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The potential for this game could be magnificent if they actually did a few things right from the start. But it’s been 2 years and they haven’t so at this point its safe to assume its not going to get any better. It’s hard I know especially for hard-core fans. But in all honesty it’s illfonics fault. Nothing said at this point is going to change the direction the game is going.

If illfonic doesn’t do their jobs better that’s on them. We can say what ever we want. But if they don’t listen that’s why I just tell people the way I do. Because they need to hear it.


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