What's with the camping today

Like the title says there is so much camping today, why are people so bad that they have to camp, are that much people so bad that they can’t even play normally, goddamn people, get good, and btw I know there is a slam just does a shit little damage, like 5-10

it does 20


It should do like 30

Pro campers hang out outside in certain parts of the map to prevent building slams. Just throw traps in the building and go in swinging, if they chase you after you leave all the better!

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Pro and camping in the same sentence. Impossible

Fought a FT today that camped up on one of the garage doors in the big building on detailed… no obvious means to get up there that I could see, but 3 of them stayed there the whole game. I couldn’t get a decent angle on them. So after eating 3 pigs and using up my medkits the clock is down to a minute. I just let them take me down so I could bomb their pansy asses.

Was the slam nerfed…works everytime slam…evade…wrist blades

The fire team just jumps on the train, its done a lot. Just leap up there.

I’ll have to look at the place again. Infor video just got to upload it.

Same thing happened to me, they camped the same place and I used the bow through the cracks and plasma caster, I ended up killing those pussys

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beat them to the blue building. throw a trap down… thats how i delt with them. Honestly you can just let them have it. i swear the fucking cloak is the worst… never ever do I see a predator get hurt by cloaking in the movies. Every other avp game there is no fucking crackle when cloaked

What’s up with the 50 pred dmg ps4 FT’s running objectives like bots and not even taking out alarms if they’re going to run ahead to obj rush

On topic the best camping is actually out in the water at blackwater where pred has no cover and you can just strafe to dodge the projectiles

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and jumping like it’s fortnite splash splash

There needs to be a plasma mine for the predator. One that can be set to detonate on impact or triggered by proximity or detonator. 3 without perks sounds fair to me. That would help with camping.


And some pulse type of device for the marines that would stop the cloak of the predator and spot him for some 5 seconds. That would stop predators camping with bows and arrows in perfect stealth. This sounds perfectly fair to me just as well.

and a weapon jammer to stop the fireteam firing at predators while they snipe, ain’t that right?

you can just spot the bright red smoke thats coming out of the bow and when he shoots you can also see where hes at

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no you can’t because you re being cool playing scout and you get instadowned. or almost

@The_mudman_44 Depends on the skill of the predator and the distance. Its not as easy to spot when he is between leaves and shoots when he noticed nobody is looking in that area. The only solution is to reposition and force him to move.
Now I am not talking about running 4 man premades here, like I am sure the above poster was not refering to pro predators, I don’t think those can’t clear a house where 4 people are. People who play like that are not the pros for sure.

@sictireanu No problem, and the FT get’s an instant shield that blocks all weapons and returns the damage to the predator… That or we could all agree to work with the things we have instead of asking for smash 2.0 with plasma mines.