Where are the Developers?

I can understand they don’t give a fuck about the Steam hub, but even this forum seems abandoned…

What part of this pos is a cash grab do people not understand?




Ok but the question remains.

Dishwasher, its been 3 years. Of course not. And don’t throw me “well, fortnight devs are still QOL!!! why can’t you shit” because these games aren’t funded the same and you avatar 5 year olds shouldn’t give a shit. Play your NECA figurines because those are the stuff that keep this game FUNDED!!


Failfonic no more

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So couple questions:

  1. Who the fuck is that, and why in their right mind would they put that on the internet?
  2. Are you posting it as an insult to @Dutch01 and just @ing me because it’s ‘funny’, or trying to say something about me?
  3. If it is directed at me, why here and now?
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One answer: “because”

That’s exactly why.

A lot of that has to do with how the community acted even at launch. It’s ALWAYS been like this. The forums had been normal all of once throughout the games entire lifecycle and that lasted at best a week.

Trying to ban or suspend accounts was and has been futile since they keep coming back. They also can’t talk about anything due to contracts between them and Fox (searchlight), and Sony, so they can’t really interact with us either. They literally cannot speak to us about releases and the pipeline. That’s also a part of why that mod got in trouble here awhile back. You can’t even say nothing is on the way. They’re required to say nothing.

End of the day it’s not surprising given how autistic this site is that they don’t bother with us. Yeah it’s the main page, but they can’t speak to us nor do they want to and I don’t blame them in the slightest.

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Its even worse on places like Steam’s community forum. I mean, this forum is bad but Steam is historically to blame for how people manage their profiles and this bleeds through to other sites as well. PHG is not a fan site or a news site, so basically everyone just uses it as a dumpster dookie pile/ development rant log. Its pretty bad in every platform where 4 year olds can act like their competitive devs and then measure dicksizes between games that they can compare it to.
There is a minority of people who just come here to have a team game and not give a fuck because well, they are the monitory. Others i bet just want to rant on and on and on.

Prolly coz the game’s lifecycle was about a week. Anybody with common sense (such as @Arnie.schwarzewigger) deleted the game soon after launch. All their revenue since then has come from dummies downloading the game without knowing what they’re in for, and then buying the dlcs.

This is genuinely concerning, this man needs therapy stat.

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I mean at least he seems to a gf. So he’s better than anyone on this Forum already.

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That’s Tara Strong, famous voice actress. He wishes she was his gf.


is this a ‘Gay Pride’ MN Vikings fan??? WTF

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Ey, speak for yourself chump!