Where are the new maps??

Hi guys - Just checking in with my usual rant. Illfonic said on a recent topic that they had a roadmap of releases planned for 2021. Waiting to see if we had any actual news not just recycled Predator dlc.

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“When we are able to let you guys know, we will. We are so excited with what we have been working on and we cannot wait to show everyone!”

Thank our shareholders, investors and publishers for this.

And probably the marketing plan to re introduce Aliens and Predator into the younger generation.

Covid didn’t let that happen too smoothly.

Also with Aliens FT coming out, not too sure what else this company has in the tank to keep people around.

I’ve seen some datamined info , we are getting a Dutch 88 , 100 shaders , LeBron James for fireteam and they are downsizing all current maps 👍🏻 ive got you homie

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Going by the numbers that were out there , over 500k copies of the game were sold . Thats digital on console and pc plus disc , I haven’t really hunted for numbers but from any I did see? The playerbase has dropped roughly 80% , from what I see but it might not have been accurate . Now what can you contribute such a steep drop in playerbase to? Now I’m not shitting on anyone and any points I suggest are from reported bugs/glitches by players and from illfonics actions since release . Bugs and glitches, every game has them so that isn’t a first for a game but illfonic are incapable of making the game run properly. They fix one bug and create two more , I know people say this game is playable because a percentage of players can play and experience little bugs or glitches , but ps4 has been terrible . The handling of this game has been shocking to say the least and even adding a skin causes bugs , patches cause bugs and not just cosmetic ones either , blue screen was a problem for weeks and recently game crashes have started again . Matchmaking is broken , 1 new map in a year , paid dlc in a poorly running game , 1 new game mode that didn’t even work when it was released and constant issues have turned alot of people off this game .

It is a shame as the state it was in when released a year ago , alot of people have been holding out to get through the problems but update after update? It started to set in with alot of people that the game as it stands now ? Isn’t that far away from its released state . Some paid cosmetics? 1 map? 1 mode? Custom matches? They are practically telling us to entertain ourselves and this big update next month? I guess we will see what it has , but dont be surprised that even if it is something good? History has taught us we maybe should expect bugs/glitches and alot of cosmetics with little substance . I stopped playing the game for a couple of months but started playing with forum members recently, its the most fun I have had with this game and that says alot for anyone else like me that needs others to get enjoyment , it means the game is lacking

I am hoping the new map comes with jeeps for the ft to drive


But to put balance the predator can blow them up while the ft driving to make it fair do some good damage.

Vehicles like trucks/boats would be very cool

Hopefully a year two thing


I thought people were just going to curse me out on this cause ft is unbalanced

Oh they will

Just give it time

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Oh if we get jeeps in game me and the boys are gonna get all of the jeeps in the match and hit and run the Predator to death!

I don’t really care if they are unfair against Predator because Hahaha tree plasmacaster spam go blam blam blam.

Maybe a counter to tree camping would be if you detonate a Jeep on a tree, that tree catches on fire and is now unusable.


That sounds good but how much plasma spam would the jeep Be able to with stand

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Maybe 3-4 charged shots to the most of the body, but on exposed parts and the underside 2 Charged Shots. That would incentivize good aim.

I also think an ATV would be good to have, so here is a proposed mechanic for vehicles:

Jeeps: 2 Jeeps spawn per map, max of 1 per mission area and are commandeered from stargazer/guerrilla forces. Jeeps take 4 charged plasma shots to kill, 2 in the exposed area or undercarriage. Jeeps are a 2 man vehicle, with 1 driver and 1 machine gunner. When destroyed explosion radius is similar to a grenade, but leaves FT at 45 HP. Running the pred over takes 1/4th of his health away.

ATV’s: Similar to the Jeep, but single person and faster at the trade off of lower health. 3 spawn per match, but a max of 2 can spawn per camp. Can only take 2 charged plasma shots, or 1 direct headshot to the FT on the ATV. Smaller explosion radius, leaves FT at 60 HP. Running the pred over will take away 1/6th of his HP.

To accompany these new vehicles, matches will be upgraded to a 20 minute time limit and mission time will be greatly extended (current missions can be completed in 3 min, minimum of 10 minutes to complete mission will be new, along with visiting a minimum of 2 camps.). Also, to prevent abusing the inherent speed of a vehicle to run from exfill and return once chopped is there, they are unusable once the mission is completed. Also to prevent running pred over multiple times, he can only be run over 1 time every 3 seconds.

I think this would be a fun way to implement vehicles into PHG

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