You can have them but only if you accept the male models will all have a John Ham level loincloth sausage, lol.

…and I’m out.

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Jiggle physic for female preds hmmm sure why not if Dead Or Alive can do it so can PHG horrible comparison I know.

No. >_<

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agreed, need more sexy female predator representation. It is imperative that we keep this lore accurate after all

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Just teasing you.

Oh I know lmao.
Honestly more than boobs bouncing around I want a whip weapon.

I just hope the attacks aren’t super slow and it can grab/throw lol.

A whip would be nice. It will probably just be melee attacks though.

@VENN7eance, no mudding up in the black suits, they auto give you Cold Blooded. 😉

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DAY 28?

I seriously thought we’d get the update today… or at least some kind of communication.

@IllFonic is literally going to wait until the very last possible second like always. Most likely the last week of September maybe on a Monday or Tuesday

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Communication? From Illfonic? Like, seriously?! Are you new XDDD ?

A bug fix would be nice. Either that or put us back to 2.02

No patch today means I’ve got to continue to deal with random freeze ups for at least this weekend, probably another week or two. That really sucks.

Or else what you’ll leave, congratulations no one cares, and it’s free it gets here when it gets here

Where are the Elder and JH armor tints? That better be in this next update as well. They also need to do female versions of each Predator class. This way we don’t forget our lady gamers out there who want to make their own versions of each class.

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What about the lady gamers that want female versions of Dutch? What do we call her? Butch?


You’d call her Miss Schaefer, cause Dutch is her daddy and if you even look sideways at her, he might tell her she’s allowed to pull you arm off and beat you with it.

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Women has better things to do than play a dumb video games, like make babies and fixing sandwiches.

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