Who Changes Controls?

So I have a friend that likes to play with unusual controls. And it occurred to me that in a game like this it might be beneficial to do so. Especially since clash and hunt can have separate controls. So I’m curious how many people customize their controls, why, and if it’s more common on PC or Console.

For PC Players

  • I change my controls
  • I use default controls
  • You can change your controls?

0 voters

For Console Players

  • I change my controls
  • I use default controls
  • You can change your controls?

0 voters

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i change my controls cause the weapon wheel is an affront to god and i never want to use such a terrible thing in the middle of a heated engagment


I have a sort of “unusual” control scheme, or so my pc friends say

Here’s the list of my bindings


LMB = Fire
RMB = Aim
MMB = Melee
MWU = Secondary Weapon
MWD = Primary Weapon
MBB = Reload
MFB = Jump/Interact
CapsLock = Weapon Wheel
F = Spot
Q = Cycle Gear
E = Use gear
Spacebar = Crouch
X = Fire Mode
V = Interact
My mouse has some top buttons. One of them is Mapped to the keyboard V key, so I have two interact buttons (easier to get out of the net, fuck off if you think that’s cheating)
There’s a serious bug with the melee on FT. Every time the Pred engages you stop being able to melee unless you manually equip the knife using the weapon wheel. That’s the only reason I have a button mapped for it.


LMB = Fire
RMB = Aim
MMB = Primary Weapon
MWU = Plasma Cannon
MWD = Secondary Weapon
MBB = Cloak
MFB = Leap
Q = Equip Secondary Gear
Spacebar = Jump
V = Vision

Same. Only use wheel for heals, traps and decoys. Main weapons are button-bound.

Mine as of right now.
Used to avoid the whole
(Death by tree so you cannot claim me issue at one point)(Updated lol)


My controls (sort of) remapped with reWASD and Corsair iCue

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I have almost every key bind to leap…

What is your R2 and right on d-pad
(I’ll post my controller mapping later)

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Didn’t read the fist poll so I accidently voted twice, lol

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Lol same, and it’s my own pole lmao

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Lmao whoops I voted on pc too, but I guess that applies as well, back when I placed pc games I pretty much used default controls.

I did when I played terraria on pc and dfo lol.

Right stick to fire?
Ey yo wtf?

What in gods name is this set up?

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Yeah I’m also question why @Papa_Applepie did that

R1 jump (still experimenting with that)
X is weapon fire mode (experiment plus I use the Hammerhead)
D-pad left use gear
D-pad up use gear 2
D-pad right use gear 3
L1 spot

D-pad left weapon one
D-pad up weapon two
D-pad down plasma caster
D-pad right tree’s and button cancel
O thermal

R2 - Self Destruct
Right on d-pad - Accept Predator (For Private Matches with dah man)
Right on d-pad- Nothing (Hasn’t found a needed use yet)

because secrete sauce.

And maybe because I’m a bit of a masochist who enjoys the struggles.

You know what let me make this even shorter
R2 + me = 5 Headaches later.
MAGICLY convenient for yours truly! 👍👍

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I run the base controls but with one change:
Tree Interactions are bound to R3 (no input assignments on base controls) so now when I jump I don’t have to worry about trees.


Main controls

(Edit: I swapped cloak and jump/branch switch)

Second wind buttons

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Why didn’t I ever think about that

Every time I change my controls I think “what button can I put on R3 to open up a button for branch switch”


I personally find it helps a lot, both in melee combat when jumping to avoid fire and when trying to traverse the map and using jump because out of leap stamina.

Ever since I switched it I noticed my combat and general movements are a lot smoother as I don’t have to work around it or worry about it happening on accident. Would highly recommend, even to those who don’t change mapping very often.

I’ll have to experiment some more…

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