Who sucks your dicks to keep the Predators as impossible to deal with as they are?

Not 2 hits. I meant 3

Also obviously it depends on the class they are playing. But the katana has been wiping mofos fast. A right click left click left click combod by the bleed damage takes most assaults down. They may have been damaged by the Ai. But i didnt see much blood till i rolled in

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Oh yeah katana is definitely hitting like a truck rn for sure you are correct. But nothing is 2 shotting like this guy is saying. I actually just tried the war club again. (Itā€™s still bad) but if you land the full combo, then one more hit (4 hits total) you can down them. But itā€™s a very very slow combo

Yeah 4 hits that feels like 5 because using the war club turns you into the gorn from star trek with slow ass swings lol

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James Cameron didnā€™t want to hurt anyoneā€™s feelings. James Cameron has been attacked by trolls recently and thinks it may be because he made rational, logical or amusing posts. Trolls hate these things.


Iā€™m having no problem fighting predators, Iā€™m getting around 5 pred downs per session and Iā€™m averaging about 3000 damage per game.

PS4 does feel very clunky though, it isnā€™t easy to shoot because the frames per second are shit.

Bruh Iā€™m so sick of crybaby whining ft mains over exaggerating. It takes more than double the amount of hits u just said to down a single ft member. And if ur sick of being melee rushed then parry, itā€™s not that hard

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I understand your frustrationā€¦ I kill tons of Preds thoughā€¦ sounds like you need to find a team that cooperates better

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ā€¦what? This sounds like youā€™re trying to be a complete troll. Thatā€™s not what happens in the game at all.

Me, fuck off!

Dear Noktrum,
It seems lately youā€™ve lost your mind and give no fucks.
Its ok. Iā€™m here for you.

Point on the predator doll where the ft touched you.

A concerned dev


the mandiblesā€¦ ;-(

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As you can seeā€¦ the mandibles ;-(

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Bra, itā€™s because bad Preds get ft Nerfed because they suck, and if parry was easy everyone would be doing it.

Everyone does do it


Im at lvl 143, and I still lose as Predator occasionally. Mostly to skilled, coordinated FTs, but there is no 'run in wipe everyone out. Not even with Berserker class. A good FT will still hand you your own behind. Please return to under the bridge from whence you came (thats where trolls reside).

I mean against most if not all uncoordinated fts I run in and wipe everyone as scout. Its really not hard.

Ofc as soon as they are coordinated it becomes exponentially harder

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Thats where true sweat begin

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Parrying is easy to counter: backup NetGun them, Use Plasma Caster at close range, Leap Slam then Melee, back-off use a ranged weapon, Leap, Run and flank with your attacks on FT isnā€™t facing you while melee striking.

The only reason youā€™re getting parried over and over is because youā€™re predictable.

Iā€™m surprised this thread is still open