Why are people leaving before reinforcement?

It’s an annoyance for both teams. If you’re the predator you’re deprived of the challenge and if you’re playing FT your odds of finishing the mission drop to almost zero when you’re up against a decent adversary with 3 bots on your side.

Also if you’re playing predator and lose, don’t leave. It’s not very sportsman like. 😉

this is a behavior that started like 3 years ago it mostly comes from FT ques being so fast if you die it’s actually faster to just que up into another game than it is to wait for Reinforce if your strictly wanting to play the game

Illfonic has said specifically on a livestream they understand this behavior while not good it would be worse if they punish the behavior so they choose to do nothing about it

It is simply something you have to deal with

Also another thing is if your actually good at Fireteam and you get unlucky with who the predator decides to fight/kill first and make a mistake which causes your death your chance of winning that game plummets so often it’s just better to quit and reque again


it is annoying when the potato left doesnt understand how to reinforce and it can take up to 10 mins for him to figure out


Becouse they are idiots


These last two answers sum it up. I cannot trust my teammates in pubs to revive me, either because of their intelligence or their inability to survive long enough TO revive, both of which I see constantly. Another big reason I bail is frustration, as I’m usually the only one engaging the Pred while my team is off fucking around.

there is no reason to stay in match after you die, waste of time, unless you playing in a party and you know people will try to revive you at one point

Partially, but not really.

From my perspective, there’s 3 scenarios where I leave immediately, all of them when playing solo

Scenario #1

Just landed, started moving and the pred just engages and targets me immediately, relentlessly and ignoring everyone else. I may even leave before dying.

Scenario #2

I’ve been playing for a while, pred is playing very aggressive and without mercy. I die, I see how he goes non-stop against the others and they are either clueless or not good enough to survive.

Scenario #3

I die and I see the potatoes are clueless as to what to do with the reinforce, even if the pred is trolling them

Every time I die, I want to be revived so I have a chance to kill the player that killed me. When I see there’s little to no probability of that not happening, I leave.


same here pretty much

These are the same for me. Like exact same. Very very rarely will I stick around after being killed, in hopes they will reinforce, cuz otherwise I cannot trust a pub team to do so. Unless I recognize the names and know they are actually good, but that too is very rare.

Um no. There is a geniune satisfaction to being revived with a bunch of PS potatoes, then in the second round I save the day, make preddy self-destruct, then up to me to hack the device.
Happens alot! Look at the Screenshot of the day threead and look for all of my posts (probably a dozen) of me of course downed right after making him squirt his self-d load and screaming with all the lightning jizz. Thats like 1/8th of what my wins are like. The rest are finishing the game and taking home a dead predator while we get rescued by the chopper.

I tend to do random matches alot with Playstation people because they need a PC HERO! I do— feel like a hero!

How about you Sam?