Why do people play this game?

That’s the greatest thing about beliefs. You could be wrong. I could be wrong. Nobody knows unless empiric data proves one or the other.

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A lot of kids play this game, because they watched the movie and think its cool to play as him. Or they think its another shooter like COD, BF or Fortnite. You can tell its a lot of the latter because of how they behave in-game, like hiding up on a hill or camping inside, not sticking together, running off to grab currency, etc. There are a lot of grownup casual gamers too, who just want something simple to play and don’t really care or are unobservant of the issues of the game.

Myself, I’m somewhat addicted. Every time I try and get off the game I keep coming back, doesn’t help that I watch people like Sam and the vids posted here that make me want to jump back it. Its the call of the jungle, man.

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I have never played fortnite, but COD, BF… isn’t this game almost a stripped down version of those games? Like… I haven’t played COD and BF in ages, but I remember there were clear objectives and interactions. You still have to aim and shot at shit. Sometimes it almost feels like players load into the game just to admire the eye candy of the jungle. Which is sad because it isn’t that impressive to begin with. The only thing on this game that doesn’t look graphically outdated is the Predator.

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This game would make a great internet cafe game. Its allure has much to do not with being a FPS or miiltary style game but it having multiple personas (and comedic at that). This game also draws alot of female attention. so it being a cod clone is probably not a good baseline. It could be that of an action hero and it could be drawing on MCU characteristics.

Its very stripped down, yeah. But kids can’t tell the difference, they see FPS shooter with guns and assume its all the same. It is at its core, team-based operations with multiple objectives, just with that 1v4 layer on top. But because there is no tutorial on how to play FT, they don’t really know what to do, they just go off and do whatever. Even kids who play Pred are the same, I had one the other night hopping around us squeaking “i wanna be fwends don’t soot meee”. Needless to say I shot him and made him go boom. There’s no teaching tools in this game, for either side. The one they do have is just Pred, and its more like how to kill AIs, its nothing like the real game.

Speaking of potatoes in traps, I had one guy left on Airstrip, tossed one into that little room upstairs in the hanger, readied my combi because I thought he was going to escape…he never escaped. At all. He never once looked down, just left, right, up, around, all confused. He shot at me when I danced around him, killed some AI, healed…but didn’t know how to escape it. Dude ended up getting downed from it and I just pity claimed him.

not an accurate assessment.

This game has a learning curve that is not that steep and its not that hard. Its not an RTS…FFS and its as simple as Street fighter to a point.

um…the difference being that there might be players playing on gamepads and others playing on fighting sticks.
There isn’t any point in trying to say that this game is too complex because its not.

This is just a first timers experience, there is nothing that says they will do this again the next time around and its not that complex to figure out. There are alot of players playing this for the first time and not getting it the first round so you will likely expect this behavoir. But then if they never play it again, thats their problem.

Not to mention that very young players play this game once, think they are the shit but really suck and never play this game again. Only becaues they are young and have to learn to read and write…etc…and grow. this is like their tetris on crack.
They will not get into games like Tomb Raider or Uncharted…simply because all their parents will let them play is like 15-30 minutes every other day.

This game is as bare bones a FPS as it can be. Literally the only thing simpler than this game is a deathmatch battle royale.

Never had a desire to play COD in a public cafe. It just seems like its not worth it. I understand maybe these B4B type games and such but military shit never seemed to me …butthen again i was never a rebel without a cause type person…or one of those trucker’s with nothing to do, or a highschool student with 2 hours of nothing to do but spend money at a cafe and still have nothing to talk about. but i came from a different generation of nobodies who liked music so i dont think internet cafes applies. They really should re-invent that poor poor cafe idea. Why dont just form a digital comic book cafe club …but yet they did.and that didn’t turn out well.

A common thing I found myself yelling whenever I played with random fireteams is “So you motherfuckers just NEVER played a game in your life, huh?”


yeah minecraft. and some warhammer at the game board club. they like to make plastic models.

Lots of hard core gamers, dig 3d and 3d modelling, texturing,…some kids come into gaming after going to church. and probably have stacks of pokemon cards and don’t even know what DIMM ram is.
They had gameboy (handme down) and nintendo switch and thats it. They are technology virgins. They probably don’t even have headsets or mics for their gameconsole-or know what that is!!

or i could be exaggerating.

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You had me until the Switch. The Switch is a god of gaming. Shush.

Nintendo in general are the only consoles worth buying, IMO
because they bring something different other consoles don’t offer

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99.9% agreed. People give Nintendo a lot of shit and I can see their point in some areas, but at least they attempt innovation in either hardware or gameplay, when everyone else sticks to the same formula. And I subtract that one % because there are a lot of other titles and franchises that I invest in, some console exclusives.


I used to play to become known. And then I realized…

Nobody fuckin’ cares. And in turn, I stopped giving a flying fuck and started having fun.

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Sony and Microsoft tried it with the move and kinect, but the games were simply not as interactive as the wii/wiiu controls. They are also not couch multiplayer oriented.

wii is awesome for non-online multiplayer. and is the closest thing to going to an arcade venue

I only played this game because of my sexual attraction for female predators and the psychotic desire to fuck up four peoples’ day.

I don’t. I’ve stopped playing it months ago and don’t intend on returning given its continued, abysmal state.

I’ll occasionally hop onto a Twitch stream of it just to remind myself of that. That’s about it.

There’s obviously no hope for this shit. There never really was. They’re just milking the few momos who are still buying their gaudy, buggy DLC releases.