Why do people play this game?

It still amazes me the amount of bad players in this game. Is not only a console thing. On a daily basis I see very bad players on Epic and Steam as well (PC). This game is very simple. Big indicator for objectives. Mini map. Shoot the enemy. Every game out there works the same way and has pretty much these basic functions. I have invited several real life friends to play this game, on different platforms. They all perform very well. I don’t believe is a lack of tutorial or because they are new to the game. Like really, do we need a tutorial that explains you to go to the marker and hold down a button to progress the objective? That’s literally the game mechanics for almost every game out there. I firmly believe the reason why is that a lot of people who come to this game have never played a video game in their lives. Which makes me wonder… why? Why are people buying gaming systems to just play this game, just to suck so bad at it?


I turned off crossplay so idrk

And people not knowing how to do the objective sounds like a big…

@Durbs2001 give me a satisfactory meme here

May or may not involve chimps

To feel like a big fish in a small pond.

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Like look at this

Low level new player (Best friend IRL) who just leveled up enough to use the Saw-Z
Twitch Clip
Is it that hard to aim and shoot at what is obviously an enemy? Look how easily he tells friend from foe when he aims at a team mate. This is someone with less than 10 hours of gameplay. Took him like one second to realize you don’t interact to pick up ammo and you just need to walk right by it

Hey, look! It’s a giant humanoid thing carrying a spear! oh, look there’s a pretty laser…oh well. Hey, i just got greatest idea! LETS SHOOT IT!!!

The answer to that is that the majority of the players, are 10 yo kids who know little about games, know nothing about Predator lore and got the game for free or on sale.

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Yet I see players with elite skins (which I believe have played long enough to level up to at least 100) playing exactly the same way. It’s so frustrating. I’ve also seen adults play the same way (because they furiously engage in game VC when you insult them). I don’t think there’s a simple answer to this, but seems this game draws attention to a lot of morons. LMAO

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I feel bad for people that play this game

Yeah, there are no worthy prey anymore, just cannon fodder.

‘sigh’, I will miss the good ol’ days. (As i look at my trophy collection).


This is when you need to say howlaylewya!
I have no idea why the suckiest player, have their actual PSN id as a predator reference…and realize this is the only game they play or maybethat this gameGOT THEM into gaming…which in this day in age is kind of embarrasing since there is games like cyberpunk and rdr2 and assasins creed and other shit to get them started.
its kind of a shame this Streetfighter style game that is PHG becomes their way into the system of games. This is it, this Predator Hunting Grounds really is the new SF2 that was for kids in the arcade days in the 90s. I mean, we should mock up a video with SF2 music and VS mode stuff into PHG videos. I mean literally PHG matches last as long as SF2 25cents games!

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And I thought newer players having trouble getting out of bear traps was rock bottom.

I’ve never thought about this. And you are right. This further confirms my theory that they probably got their gaming system just to start playing this game.

I mean, is Predator that huge of a deal that someone is willing to spend hundreds of dollars in a gaming platform to start playing video games when they have not ever played, or, in case of older adults, have not played video games in decades?

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.yes.yes it is.and it has that SF2 cache!

I’ve seen players trapped on them for more than a minute.

Not only is the FT potato incapable of reasoning itself out of the trap, the predator player has no idea of what to do next either when someone falls in one of his traps

A lot of children play it?

FT player: well, guess I’ll hang around here for a while.

I swear, one of these days a noob player is gonna get on the forum and complain:

(in ten year old voice): GOD ILLFONIC!!! Nerf the bear traps, I have to stand there the entire game.

That’ll be the day.

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Thats just the kind of thing that happened. OMG.

I firmly believe you’re wrong.